Chapter 36 🤍

488 43 16

Writer's POV

Abhay came to suprise Lavanya in her boutique.
She was looking outside from her cabin window...
She was lost in a deep thought when Abhay back hugged her.
She got startled at first but then leaned on him .

Abhay: Hey love...

Abhay said while kissing her shoulder.

Lavanya: Hi... you here suddenly?

Abhay: Why ? Can't I visit my girlfriend?

Lavanya: No... I just asked.

Abhay turned her towards him . And observed her face, he knew what she was thinking and caressed her cheek.

Abhay: I love you Lavanya... you know that right ?

Lavanya kissed him.
Abhay instantly kissed her back...
non of them wanted to break it... After a long time,  they broke the kiss and rested their foreheads together.

Lavanya: I love you too Abhay.. 
I love you so much. I never thought that I will love someone this much.

Abhay smiled and kissed her forehead. 

Lavanya: We are back together,  but what next Abhay?

Abhay: Baby, its not like we are going to get married soon,
let's just spent time with each other, will live in the moment,
I will somehow convince the mom when the time is right... till then be with me baby please....
Trust me , I won't let our relationship break... I will never leave you my love.

Lavanya: I trust you.

Abhay hugged her tightly and then they spent some time with each other.


Shub was sleeping, 
he stayed at home without going to office as he was really busy with work for the last few days...

Zunaira was busy with her new company work too but she came back home within two hours as she wanted to spend time with Shub.

She saw him sleeping peacefully on his stomach...
She tapped on his shoulder but he didn't wake up .
She climbed on the bed and sat on his back.  And shaked him.
Shub was awake and were enjoying her attempts to wake him up.

She sighed and bent towards his face and pepperd kisses on his cheek.
He smiled and pulled her under him.

Shub: Good morning love.

Zunaira: You .. naughty boy... you were awake all this time ?

She said and slapped his arm  .

Shub: Yes I was enjoying your cute attempts to wake me the way I loved them,  specially the last one.

He said and winked.

Zunaira: Impossible Shub!! I still can't beleive that you were my arrogant,  rude boss.

Shub: I know right..  what to do baby , my girlfriend changed me completely..

Zunaira: Yeah .... credit goes to me... and  guess what ,
your beautiful girlfriend is spending the whole day with you today..

Shub: Really? Wow...but you don't have stop your work because of me.

Zunaira: I'm not, I finished them faster and came.... now it's our time....

Shub smiled and kissed her,  after their romantic moments, 
they cooked together and spent the whole day with each other.

When Love Lasts🤍 (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now