Chapter 26 🤍

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Writer's POV

They had their breakfast.
At that time Rehaan got a message from Krish.

Krish: Sir,  please spend some time with Meghna alone and try to impress her , otherwise your love story will be stuck in the same place.

Rehaan: Ok ok fine . I will try.

He kept his phone aside.

Abhay: So what is the plan for today guys?

Rehaan: Why don't we leave the new official couple alone for sometime .

Zunaira: Thats not needed guys..

Shub: Ofcourse it's needed.

All chuckled at him .

Abhay: Even we need some alone time , right baby ?

Lavanya: If I say No also , you will make sure to spend time with me alone , so I'm not saying anything. 

Rehaan: Yeah then couples can enjoy alone , me and meghna also will go somewhere and Even Aarohi and Abeer can roam somewhere na.

All passed him a teasing smirk.

Abeer: you should have told us before that you wanna spend some time with meghna Alone.
We would have let you do that Rehaan.

Rehaan: Shut up, there's nothing like that , and you better stay away from Aarohi , because you talk nonsense like her now.

Aarohi glared at Rehaan.  While he smiled sheepishly.

Abhay: I don't care you guys do whatever you want , I'm going with my girl.  Bye guys...

With that he dragged Lavanya with her forcefully.

Meghna: God bless you Lavanya. 

Lavanya: Thanks babe , I will need it.

Shub: Even we are going.... bye guys..  come baby.

Zunaira : ok bye guys... enjoy...

Aarohi: Yeah yeah even you guys enjoy but zuniara,  dont end up getting pregnant.

Meghna: Yeah please,  we are not ready to be aunties and uncles. 

Rehaan and Abeer chuckled while Zunaira blushed and threw a cushion at the girls before leaving with shub.

Rehaan: Ok come Meghna, lets go.

Meghna: Where Malhothra?

Rehaan: Somewhere Arora , come.

With that he dragged Meghna with him.


Shub's POV

I brought Zunaira to a beautiful garden , i reserved a private area of the garden for us .
It's really beautiful,  and I know that Zunaira will love it as she loves flowers.

Zunaira: Wow shub I love this place . So what are we gonna do now ?

Me: We can do a lot baby.....

I said with a teasing smirk , while she smacked my shoulder blushing like a newly wed bride.
She was going to walk away when I pulled her towards me.

Zunaira: Shub what are you doing ?

Me: Romancing with my girlfriend... what else ?

I wrapped my arms around her waist

When Love Lasts🤍 (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now