Chapter 3 🤍

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Writer's POV

Shub was frustrated as noone could match his expectations,  he almost interviewed all the candidates.
Lastly it was Zunaira's turn .
They called Zunaira's name , shub was really frustrated,  he was using his phone.
Zunaira went inside and were shocked to see him.

Zunaira: you?

Shub lifted his head and looked at her.

Shub: Wow, you....

Shub said with  a smirk while glaring at her ...
Zunaira gulped . She took a deep breathe and spoke.

Zunaira: May I come in..... Sir?

Shub: Yes, Sit Miss.Zunaira Agarwal Right ?

He said while looking at her bio data .

Shub: Just graduated?

Zunaira: Yes sir.

Shub: Ok you can go Miss.Agarwal, you are rejected,  you are not capable to be my PA.

Zunaira looked at him with a wide mouth.

Zunaira: How can you say that Sir ? You didn't interview me, you didn't check my qualifications properly nor you asked any questions from me !

Shub was stunned with what she said, as noone have spoke to him like that.

Shub: Watch your tone Miss.Agarwal, you don't teach me what to do and what not to do....
This is my company and I will decide whom I'm selecting or not, and do you think I will give you the job after seeing the way you behaved in the car park?

Zunaira: I knew it , I so knew it , that's why you are rejecting me , you can't do that,  even you know that you were at fault,  I was just giving a normal reaction, 
you can't judge people like that, atleast you should have interviewed me properly,  before rejecting me .
Because I know how capable I am.

Shub was taken back with her words.

Shub: Ok then , let's see how capable you are.

With that shub asked her few hard questions, she answered them perfectly and confidently,  shub was really impressed.
Shub thought for sometime.

Shub: You are selected Miss.Agarwal, you can join from  tomorrow. 
You can get your joining letter from the reception.

Zuniara grinned happily.

Zunaira: Thank you so much sir, See you tomorrow.

With that she went , shub smiled genuinely,  shocking his ownself.

Zunaira's POV

I came home with my joining letter,  finally I have a job now, .
My first job, I'm so excited, I knew I will get selected, I know how capable I am, but my boss.... I have never seen someone who's so arrogant and rude as him.
But I have to admit,  he is really good looking and handsome....
I so wish he was a nice,  friendly and kind person...
Ugh, who cares.... I'm so Happyyyy.

Writer's POV

Krish told Rehaan about whatever Meghna said,  he was damn angry.

Rehaan: Huh, so much attitude ?
Dial her number right now Krish, let's see how she says No to Rehaan Malhothra.

Krish dialed her number.  Meghna was conducting a class.

Meghna: Hello

Krish: Hello ma'am, I'm krish , Rehaan Malhothra wants to talk to you.

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