Chapter 28 🤍

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Writer's POV

After six months....
They were on a group call.

Abhay: Guys , I'm planning to tell mom and dad and about mine and Lavanya's relationship.

Rehaan: Why are you so eager to get married?

Abhay: Not to get married dude , its just I don't wanna hide anymore...
let then know that I'm on a serious relationship.

Zunaira: What do you think about it Lavanya?

Lavanya: I don't know guys..  They won't have any problem with me na Abhay ?

Abhay: Ofcourse they won't baby, you are perfect and I love you so that's all what matters.

Lavanya: Even I will inform my parents,  they already loves you so they won't have any issue .

Aarohi : Woahhh I'm waiting for the marriage now !!!!

Shub: they are not gonna get married now.

Abeer: Exactly,  they have enough time... but it's better to Inform the parents... you guys are dating for a year now.

Abhay: Yeah will do it as soon as possible.

They spoke for sometime and then Abhay called lavanya...

Abhay: You are ready for it na baby..

Lavanya: Hmm yeah , but I don't know I'm getting bad instincts.

Abhay: You are just nervous to meet your future in laws...
don't worry I'm there with you na baby, so chill.

Lavanya: I trust you, I know you won't let anything happen.

Abhay: yes , I won't... I love you.

Lavanya: guess what?

Abhay: what?

Lavanya: I love you more

Abhay: Ha ha ha you are becoming naughty now baby.

Lavanya: All thanks to you.

They spoke till night.


Meghna was watching TV at her home when she heard someone knocking on her door.
Meghna knew who it was. She opened the door.

Meghna: Don't you have any other work Malhothra?
Always you are coming here now.

Rehaan: so manners less Arora, this is how you treat your guest?

Meghna: Guest and you? Nonsense,
Tell me , why did you come ?

Rehaan pushed her and entered the house , Meghna rolled her eyes and sat on the couch. He sat beside her.

Rehaan: By the way, you are looking really cute.

He said while looking at her from top to bottom.
Meghna was wearing a white short and a blue crop top with a high ponytail.

Meghna: I always do.

Rehaan: Self obsessed

Meghna: Learnt from you.

They laughed as they never talk normally without arguing.

Meghna: How was your day ? You look tired...

When Love Lasts🤍 (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now