Chapter 17 🤍

545 48 32

Writer's POV

They all planned to meet up at Aarohi's house after work.
Abeer came first, Aarohi was dressed in a cute jumpsuit and was watching TV. 
Abeer smiled looking at her.
Aarohi smiled ear to ear seeing him.

Aarohi: Hiiiii...

Abeer kissed her forehead and got seated beside her.

Abeer: How are you feeling now?

Aarohi: I'm perfectly alright but bored as hell.

Others: Now you won't be bored anymore....

With that all the others came in.

Aarohi: Wow I will get sick daily if I'm gonna get attention and get pampered like this.

Rehaan smacked her head lightly.

Rehaan: Stupid.

Aarohi: So how was your day guys?

All: Boringgggg.

Aarohi: Ha ha ha ha so expected.

They got seated around her and chatted for a while. Then they ordered pizza and had their lunch. 

Aarohi: Umm Meghna, Rehaan... why are you both not fighting these days?

Rehaan: What do you mean ?

Abhay: yeah right, even I noticed it,  you both are really peaceful these days.

Aarohi: I miss my daily dose of bigg boss entertainment guys.

Meghna: our fights are entertainment for you ah ?

All of them nodded,  while meghna and Rehaan glared at them.

Zunaira: The thing is guys, someone has saved someone like a hero na , so the heroine is impressed now, so they will not fight anymore

She said with a teasing smirk.

Others: Ohhh hoooooo

Meghna blushed.

Meghna: Shut up guys... what nonsense.

Rehaan: We just didn't interact with each other to fight, we got busy with the launch party work na.

Lavanya: When is the launch party?

Rehaan: After 2 days.

Abeer: And we know about it now ?

Rehaan: So now you guys know na, no need to invite you guys officially na, you guys have to be there obviously.

Shub: Wow what a way to invite someone.

Meghna: Oh Mr.Businessman shall we get you a invitation card then ?

Abhay: Aren't you agreeing with Rehaan too much these days meghna?

Zunaira: Exactly.

Meghna: oh god... whats wrong with you guys....

Aarohi: Ok lets tease someone else guys... poor meghnu... she looks like a tomato .

All rolled their eyes at her, as they knew she gonna pick someone else to tease.

Aarohi: Mr.Gill....

Shub fake smiled at her.

Shub: Yes Miss. Thakur? How can I help you ?

When Love Lasts🤍 (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now