Chapter 34🤍

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Writer's POV

All of them arrived to Abeer's place.
Aarohi opened the door for them with a small smile,
  which all of them returned with a heavy heart,
non of them were used to a Aarohi like this, she used to jump on them and greet them cheerfully.

They all got seated beside Abeer on the couch.

Abeer: Don't you all dare to ask how am I, I swear I will kill you guys.

All chuckled at him.

Shub: We won't ask you that... because we don't have to worry about you when Aaru is there with you...
but yeah today we have something really important to solve ...

He said eyeing Abhay and Lavanya.

Meghna: Yeah that is one of the main reasons for today's meet up.

Lavanya shifted in her place uncomfortably.

Abhay: Guys.. before you all speak I want to talk to Lavanya.

Abhay said and knelt infront of her and held her both hands.
Lavanya was looking down.

Lavanya: There's nothing to talk Abhay.

Abhay: There is , this is not working out, I can't tolerate this breakup anymore... I can't loose you.

Meghna: Then what? Ah ?
Can you leave your mom no right ?
Oh god abhay please ... now only you remembered that you should have a conversion about this?
Its been more than 3 weeks since you guys broke up !!! Now only you want to talk to her!!!!

Rehaan held her hand and told her to calm down.

Abhay: Yes yes I know whatever you are saying is right Meghna ,
I'm too late to have this conversation but now I can't stop myself anymore...
I was taking time to think about a solution.

Shub: So now you got a solution?

Abhay: No but I can't live without you Lavanya... please I want you back.

Zunaira: Abhay... what about your mother then?
We can't see Lavanya suffering... what if your mother won't agree ever.

Abhay: Then what do you guys expect? You expect us to stay away from each other even when we love each other and can't live without each other.

All kept quiet.

Abhay: Guys just think about me ,we all have fallen in love with someone immensely... can we stay without that person?

All of them looked at the girl/boy who stole their heart. .

Abhay: No... we can't... can we stop fighting for love?
No... so yes I won't stop fighting for my love.
I don't want this break up... I can't choose one between Lavanya and mom... I can't and I'm not loosing anyone.

Lavanya stood up while crying.

Lavanya: What are you saying Abhay? Ah? Why can't you be practical?
its impossible... you have to choose your mom Abhay!!!
Please ... please don't give me hopes about our relationship...
its over na ... let it be like that...
I can't Abhay... now you would say that we will be together and will try to convince your mother,  but what if we can't?
What will happen to me ? I Will loose you once again... I won't be able to bear that pain.. I will die Abhay... I will die... please leave me alone.

She knelt down on the floor while crying uncontrollably...
Meghna and Zunaira hugged her Instantly.
Abhay was crying to. He slowly knelt down infront of her.

When Love Lasts🤍 (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now