Chapter 2 🤍

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Writer's POV

Zunaira came to Gill Industries and parked her car , Even shub came at the same time and parked his car,
they both were walking towards the office, they bumped into each other and , Zunaira's files fell down.

Zunaira: What the hell!!!

She said and knelt down to pick them up while scolding Shub.
Shub was just staring at her.
She stood up and glared at him.

Zunaira: I'm talking to you Mr.Whoever you are !!!
Can't you even help me to pick them up? Atleast you should say sorry ?

Shub: I don't have time to waste on these useless things, I'm late .

He turned to leave.

Zunaira: heyyy !!! Who are you?

Shub: I'm not answerable yo you.

With that he went inside the office, zunaira huffed.

Zunaira: Ohhh, so even he works here,  or maybe he must've come for the interview, 
if it is, then  may he never get this job,  and if he's already working there, then may he lost his job.
Idiot!!! He spoiled my whole mood.

With that she went and sat with other candidates,  till they calls her name.


Aarohi got a call from an Uncle  She knows, he is her dad's best friend,
  he considered her as his own daughter but she doesn't as she doesn't beleive in permanent relationships.
But she loves him.

Uncle: Hello Aru darling....

Aarohi: Hellooooo Uncle.....

Uncle: Darling,  you have got an amazing chance 

Aarohi: what is it uncle?

Uncle: You have got a chance to work in a short movie.
Its with one of the best actor in India and you will be playing the character of his heroine.

Aarohi:ohhh... that's interesting,  I'm ok with it uncle,  by the way who's the actor uncle?

Uncle : Ugh... I can't remember his name dear, so get ready to meet the director and your co actors,  day after tomorrow ok?
you can discuss everything on that day.

Aarohi: Thank youuuu uncle.... love youuuuuu... you are the best.

Uncle: Ha ha ha i know... and I love you too.

She hunged the phone .

Aarohi: Finally a new beginning to my career.... I hope it goes well .

She said to herself while squealing.


Rehaan was at his home when his manager, Krish came to meet him.

Rehaan: Atleast let me stay in peace when I don't have any concerts Krish.

Krish: Im really sorry sir , but I want you to finalise the dancer whom you want in your next music video.

Rehaan: Yeah Dancer , make sure that girl should act with me in few scenes too.

Krish: who will say no to act with Rehaan Malhothra.
Here are the videos sir , you can choose a dancer from these.

Rehaan was watching the videos when his eyes fell on Meghna's dancing video.
She was dancing on to a slow music, Rehaan was mesmerised with her moves and beauty.

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