Chapter 16 🤍

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Writer's POV

It's been two days since shub came back  from his business trip.
All the eight were planning to meet but couldn't meet as they all were busy with one or another work.

Abeer and Aarohi didn't have shoot today so Abeer called her ,
but she didn't answer the phone .
He called her few times.... He was worried as he didn't get any reply from her.
He thought to visit her.
He went to her house and as usual the door was open.

Abeer: Theres a limit of being careless , and this girl always cross it.

He was going to climb the staircase when he saw Aarohi sleeping on the couch.
She was curled into a ball and was shivering.  He rushed to her and knelt infront of her.

Abeer: Aarohi... are you ok?

He touched her cheek and it was burning hot.

Abeer: What the hell Aarohi... you are having high fever.

Aarohi: Abeer.

She mutterd under her breathe,  she couldn't even open her eyes due to the weakness.
Abeer lifted her in his arms and took her to her room and made her lay on the bed.
Then he called the doctor and he prescribed some medicines.
He ordered the medicines online and made her drink them . He kept cold strips on her forehead.
He took care of  her really well.
She was fast asleep.


Shub and Zunaira was in his cabin .
Shub was working and Zunaira was sitting on the couch using her phone .

Shub: Wow , how amazing... your boss is working like a mad man here and you are chilling with your phone Miss. Zunaira?

Zunaira: The thing is Mr.Gill, my boss didn't give me leave,
so he told me to don't work and stay with him in his cabin. So I'm just following his orders.

Shub: Atleats you can help.

Zunaira: No way... I'm not gonna work, thats it.

Shub: How stubborn you are?

Zunaira: Yes I am , after all I learnt from you.

Shub fake glared at her, while she grinned at him , even he smiled at the end.

Zunaira and others were chatting on the group except for Abeer, Aarohi and Shub.

Shub: What are you guys talking about?

Zunaira: Just gossips, but don't know Where's abeer and Aarohi.

Shub: They said they don't have shoot na.

Zunaira: Yeahh, lets call and see.

Shub: Ok.

She called abeer and he answerd .

Zunaira: Where are you and Aarohi,  Abeer? Are you both together?

Abeer: yeah she's here .

Zunaira: Woah , you guys are on a date ? It seems loves is in the air, ah..

Abeer: Oh shut up Miss.Story maker. This careless girl is having high fever. She have eaten more than 3 tubs of ice creams...

Zunaira: Oh god... did you call the doctor?

Abeer: Yeah I did and gave her medicines also.  She's fast asleep.

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