Chapter 22 🤍

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Writer's POV

It's been more than a month since Abhay and Lavanya started dating.
they all didn't get time to meet each other as they all are in the peak of their career. They were really busy.

Lavanya and Abhay were at Abhay's home.
Lavanya made food and Abhay helped her.

Lavanya: Abhay you go and find a movie to watch,  I will bring the pasta.

Abhay: Ok baby .

Abhay was selecting a movie when Lavanya came with a bowl of pasta  .

Lavanya: Lets just watch TV and talk, no need to watch a movie na.

Abhay: Ok come here.

She was going to sit beside him but he pulled her in to his lap.

Lavanya: Abhay, what are you doing ?

Abhay: What? Sit like this and feed me.

Lavanya made herself comfortable on his lap and had the pasta while feeding him.

Abhay: you know I'm so happy baby..

Lavanya: I'm really happy to but what's your reason?

Abhay: You, You are my happiness,  finally I have the most beautiful and talented girl as my girlfriend. What else do I need?

Lavanya giggled and pulled his cheeks.

Lavanya: so cute Abhay... I love youuu

She said and pecked his lips.

Abhay: The girl who used to get annoyed every second when I came infront of her ,
Is now sitting on my lap and Romancing with me.

Lavanya: I know right.... but you make me the happiest, who knew that stupid flirt will make me fall in love with him,
  since the time we started dating you made me always feel proud of my descion .

Abhay: I love you, my life.

Lavanya: I love you too.

Abhay placed his lips on her, they were kissing passionately, they broke the kiss after few minutes.
And spent the whole day with each other.


Abeer's and Aarohi's movie shooting was over, 
Abeer was working on another work while ,
Aarohi was busy with college work and some Modelling projects.
They couldn't meet due to their busy schedules....
its been more than three weeks since they last met.

Aarohi was standing in the balcony of her house watching the stars.

Aarohi felt two arms snaking  her waist from behind,  she got startled at first but then she leaned back to that person's chest as she recognised the person.

Aarohi: Heyyyy

Abeer: Hey princess.

Aarohi turned in his arms instantly.

Aarohi: Princess ?

Abeer: Yes... why ? You don't like it?

Aarohi: Dad used to call me like that.

Abeer: I'm sorry I didn't knew.

Aarohi: That's ok , I love it.

Abeer smiled and tucked a hair string behind her ear.

When Love Lasts🤍 (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now