Chapter 42 🤍

472 34 44

Writer's POV

After 2 weeks....

During the past two weeks Abeer was trying to walk...
he can take steps now slowly... but not perfectly. 
It was his last day to visit the doctor  and he walked using the support of a walker... Aarohi was encouraging him.

Next day was Aarohi's Birthday,
Abeer had so many plans for her..
he planned everything for her with their gang .
   she forgot her birthday completely as only Abeer's health mattered to her.

Noone wished her in the midnight.
As it was suppose to be a suprise.
She woke up in the morning and saw Abeer hugging her tightly.  
She kissed his forehead and went down to make breakfast.
Abeer came down using his walker. He pecked her lips.

Abeer: Good morning princess.

Aarohi: Good morning baby

At that time their door bell rang.

Aarohi: I will go and check.

She opened the door and saw their whole gang.

All: Good morning Aaru.

Aarohi: Good morning guys!!! You all here? Early in the morning?

They pushed her and went inside greeting abeer.
Aarohi rolled her eyes at their antics 

Meghna: Aaru, go and get ready we girls are going out today.

Aarohi: Where? Why?

Zunaira: We gonna have a girls day out

Aarohi: I can't, Abeer will be alone at home na.

Abhay: We are satying here with Abeer.

Aarohi: But why suddenly?

Lavanya: Oh god question paper go and get ready and come.

Abeer: go na Princess,  enjoy with them and come , I will be fine.

She changed and came within 45 minutes. 
Lavanya made breakfast in the meantime.
They all had breakfast .

Meghna: Let's go.

Aarohi: Take care Abeer, you guys better take care of him, and don't turn my house into a mess.

Rehaan: ok madam get lost now.

Shub: Enjoy girls.

Girls: Bye....

Girls spent the whole day enjoying with each other,
  they went for shopping, went to a gaming area , they had lunch and was hanging out at Meghna's house.
It was almost the evening.

Zunaira: Girls , Shub messaged me , they said they are planning to go out for dinner. Let's get ready na... Will wear the dresses we brought today?

Aarohi: Aren't those dresses too good for just a dinner ?

Meghna: Why are you asking so many questions aaru ?

Lavanya: Exactly, come let's get ready.

Aarohi: Oh god you all are weird.

Zunaira: tell something we don't know

With that the girls got ready,
  on the other side boys were busy arranging everything for the party and suprise , their parents were helping them too.

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