Chapter 46 🤍

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Writer's POV

Next day Rehaan and Meghna woke up for the sound of bella was making, she was too small to bark loudly.

Then they heard someone trying to break the door bell , they rolled their eyes at their over dramatic friends ,
Meghna opened the door.

Abhay pushed her and went inside , while others glared at her.

Shub: What were you doing all this time ?

Meghna: We were sleeping guys....

Lavanya: Sleepy heads , move.

With that they all came in looking for Bella, before Abhay could go inside, Meghna pulled him through his t shirt.

Abhay: What the hell girl?

Meghna: What do you think? I didn't see the comment you posted yesterday?

Abhay: comments are meant to be read and seen megha.

Meghna: Oh really you dumbhead, how dare you to insult me like that.

With that Meghna punched his stomach, he winced it pain.
Meghna joined others smiling ear to ear.

Abhay: Ouch !!! Guys , see what she did.

Abeer: you asked for it bro

Abhay: shut up nerdy boy.

Zunaira: And you shut up too drama queen. Come let's go and see bella.

Rehaan came downstairs with bella in his arms.

Girls: Awwwwwwwww

Boys: She's so pretty

Lavanya was quick enough to take bella in her arms while others gathered around her to admire the cute bundle of joy.

Zunaira: Oh my god , she is so damn cute , shub you better get me a puppy as well, otherwise I won't think before braking up with you.

Shub: What the... Love how can we have a puppy? We both have to go to work.

Meghna: you all can get a maid, we are planning the same too.

Shub glared at her to shut up while she stuck out her tongue at him.

Zunaira: See, there's always a solution.

Abeer: Princess,  will get a puppy too, look how cute she is, I will get another Princess.

Aarohi: What? No , I mean I know she's cute and I love them, but I'm scared you know na.

Abeer: I'm divorcing you Princess,  I want a puppy.

Aarohi gaped at him with a open while others were controlling their laughter.

Aarohi: How old are you Abeer? Three?

Abeer: I want a puppy , you won't get scared after you get used to bella.

Aarohi: You know what,  divorce me , I don't care. But no means no.

Abeer: Princess!!! How can you agree for the divorce?

Aarohi: you started it!!

Abeer: ok ok fine. Lets stop this.

Rehaan: finally,  I thought we all will have to listen to your husband and wife stupid divorce argument, the whole day.

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