Chapter 11 🤍

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Writer's POV

Its been almost two months since the Party....
Their newly found friends WhatsApp group is always active.. 
They message on the group when they are free, they take group calls in the night and talk for hours...
They were behaving as love sick puppies as non of them had such  friends before....

They were on a group call.

Abhay: Guys.. its been almost two months since we all met... when are we meeting again ?

Aarohi: True, even I want to meet you all.

Rehaan: I'm coming back tonight guys.. my concert over here is over... so when we are free, we can meet.

Meghna: Finally,  now we can continue the work of the music video.

Rehaan: Why Arora? You missed me that much?

Meghna: In your dreams Malhothra, what do you think? I don't have any other work than your Music video?
I have already wasted time on this because of you, so I just want to finish this off faster.

Rehaan was going to reply when Zunaira spoke.

Zunaira: Woah ok ok guys.... Chill... calm down... enough ok .

Shub: But how can we meet guys ? We all are busy these days ....

Aarohi: But I wanna meet you all super soon.

Abeer: You have Exams these days Drama queen,  you better finish them off first.

Aarohi: Yeahh ugh... I hate exams.

All chuckled at her.

Abhay: Ok I have an idea, we have a one day match , next week .... so why don't you all come for the match ? After that we all can go for a dinner.

Meghna: That sounds good.

Others agreed too.

Lavanya: I'm not coming... I have work.

Abhay: Stop lieing Sweetheart, you are just scared that you will fall in love with me  after seeing me playing.

Rehaan spoke before Lavanya.

Rehaan: Let's go Lavanya,  who knows if we will get another chance to meet again,

Aarohi: Yeahhh please lets go ....

Lavanya: ok fine, just for you guys... not because of this Flirt.

Abhay: Awww but I know the real reason babe.

Lavanya: Shut up...

Shub: Ok then see you guys next week.

All: Bye......


Next day,
Aarohi was waiting for a cab after college.... but there was non.  So she called Abeer.

Aarohi: Nerdy boy , Where are you?

Abeer: At home Drama queen ... Why ?

Aarohi: Good, so can you come and pick me up from the college like a good boy?

Abeer: Huh, why do you think that I will come to pick you up?

Aarohi: Because you don't have anything to do right now...
so you better keep the book you are reading now and come and pick me up.

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