Chapter 31 🤍

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Writer's POV

Abhay spoke to his dad. His dad tried his best to convince Abhay's mom, but nothing worked.
Even komal di couldn't help him....
He couldn't do anything...
he didn't talk to Lavanya from two days properly.....
Their gang couldn't take their daily group calls because all of them were busy.

Lavanya came to his apartment. Abhay was sitting on the couch with a blank face.

Lavanya: You... dumbhead !!!!
You forgot your girlfriend completely na ?
I swear Abhay I can cut you into pieces now !!!!!
how dare you ignore me ah ? Why the hell are you silent now ?

Abhay looked at her with tears in his eyes which worried her.
She stood infront of him and cupped his face.

Lavanya: Heyy.... What happend baby? I'm so sorry I bursted on you?
Are you not well? Anything is bothering you?

Abhay hid his face on her stomach and hugged her tightly while crying. Lavanya's eyes were filled with tears as she caressed his hair.

Lavanya: Abhay please tell me what happened baby...
I can't see you like this... please stop crying.

Abhay told her everything,  which shattered her...
The biggest fear she had was loosing Abhay,
She were the happiest with Abhay...
But now hearing whatever his mother said...
she understand that they didn't have a future together.

Lavanya broke the hug forcefully and sat next to him on the couch, 
She buried her face in her palms and cried her heart out,
Abhay hugged her and they  both were sobbing.
After a long time she broke the hug and cupped his face .

Lavanya: Abhay.... I....I....know....this shouldn't have happened....
I can't be with you when your mother doesn't want us to... her blessings is a must... but... we... Will never..... get that.....
I know it's hard for you to choose one between us......
but Abhay don't think twice.... Choose your mom..... don't worry about me..... I understand Abhay.

Abhay: But you are my life Lavanya.

Lavanya: And mom gave you life Abhay......
She should be your first priority.... please Abhay listen to your mom..... let's break our relationship.

Abhay: What are you saying ah? Can you leave me ? Can you live without me?

Lavanya: No love,  I can't.... I can't live without you....
I have fallen head over heels for you.... but we don't have any other option now...

Abhay: I can't do this Lavanya.... I love you.... I love you....

Lavanya: we are just breaking our relationship Abhay not the friendship and I will always love you , only you

Abhay: Dont do this please

Lavanya: We have to Abhay... if you love me then please listen to me.... choose your mom...

Abhay looked at her ,
Lavanya joined their foreheads while cupping his face....
She pecked his whole face, and stood up.

Lavanya: Bye Abhay, 
I will always love you but please get married to.... a girl who your mom will choose for you..

With that she ran away crying..
Abhay couldn't digest whatever happened.
He just lost his first love, even though they love each other they could never have a future. Just because of his mom.

He screamed in pain and cried .

Lavanya locked herself in her room and was crying uncontrollably...
Her parents were out of station so she was alone at home.

When Love Lasts🤍 (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now