Chapter 14 🤍

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Writer's POV

Next day Abhay came to pickup Lavanya from her boutique.
Lavanya was still working on some designs.

Abhay: Come on beautiful lets go.

Lavanya: Abhay!!! Oh always come like this....and where to go ?

Abhay: You forgot our date ?

Lavanya: It's not a date, just a friendly coffee outing.  Let's go

Abhay forwarded his hand to her,  she looked at it and slapped it away before walking into his car.

He stopped near Starbucks,  but he didn't let her get down from the car, he brought two cappuccino for take away.

Lavanya: Why take away ?

Abhay: Let's have the coffee in a beautiful place.

Lavanya kept quiet as she knew there's no use of talking to him.
He stopped the car near a garden , its filled with beautiful flowers and trees, there were only few people. 
She got down and looked around with a beautiful smile on her face. He was staring at her.

Lavanya: This place is so beautiful.

Abhay: Not more than you but.

Lavanya facepalmed.

Lavanya: Way to spoil the mood Abhay.

She walked towards a bench , they both got seated on it, Abhay gave her coffee.

Lavanya: Thanks. So, why did you wanna come with me ?

Abhay: Because I wanna know you beautiful.  I wanna know more about you .

Lavanya: You already know Abhay, we all are friends since a few months now.

Abhay: Yes, but I wanna know more... Umm can I know why you have trust issues?

Lavanya shifted in her place uncomfortably.

Lavanya: Abhay....

Abhay: ok ok calm down, It's ok , you don't have to tell , take your time Lavanya.

He said holding her hand.

Lavanya: That's the first time.

Abhay: What ?

Lavanya: That's the first time you called me Lavanya instead of Beautiful.

Abhay: Ha ha ha ha That's a slip of tongue because I like calling you beautiful. 

Lavanya shook her head in disbelief.

Lavanya: You will never change na Abhay, don't you get tired always flirting like this ?

Abhay: Nope never .

Lavanya: No seriously Abhay, stop it na , it's really irritating,  why don't you find a nice girl and get into a relationship.

Abhay: Hmm do you think any girl will like me ?

Lavanya: Yeah I mean maybe ..... if you really loves that girl then I don't think that girl will deny.

Abhay: Then I think, I should think seriously about that girl .

He said staring at her. Lavanya looked away. They talked for sometime and he  dropped her at her boutique.

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