Chapter 40 🤍

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Hey guys... read chapters 37,38 and 39 if you have missed them guys...

It seems like most of you have  missed those chapters.....


Writer's POV

After a month of the Launch party...

Abeer and Aarohi were doing his physiotherapy....
She was sitting on the ground with his legs on her lap she was telling him to try to move his legs....
he was trying his best..

Aarohi: Come on Abeer .. Try baby try your best... you can do it... come on...

Abeer: Ahhhh Aaru no I can't princess...

Aarohi: No you can baby come on do it...

Abeer was gritting his teeth....
he was trying and it moved... he literally moved his toes and legs , even through he couldn't move a lot... but he did a little.

They both were gaping in shock... their mouths were wide open and Aarohi's eyes were filled with tears.

Aarohi: Oh my god... did you just .... did... you just move your legs? Oh my god... Abeer....

She hugged him tightly while he hugged her back grinning ear to ear.

Aarohi: I'm.... I'm soooo happy.... finally after five months.... this is a huge improvement Abeer....

She was literally doing a happy dance.

Abeer was looking at her with a happy smile on his face.

Aarohi: Your doctor... I have to call you doctor.

She called his doctor and informed it, Abeer was just staring at her.

Aarohi: Abeer!!!! Do you know what doctor said?

Abeer : What ?

Aarohi: He said that this is a huge improvement,
he said he is coming to see you ,
and There's a huge possibility that you can start walking from Next Month!!!!

She said while squeeling with happiness.

Abeer: What? Really? I'm gonna walk ?

Aarohi: Yes Abeer !!! Yess gonna walk again baby... you gonna walk again..

She said and knelt infront of him.
He cupped her face and gave a tight long kiss on her forehead.
And joined their foreheads together.

Abeer: This is all because of you princess... what did I even do to deserve you .... I love you so much..

Aarohi: I love you more .... I love you more Abeer ...

Aarohi informed their gang and Abeer's parents about it and they were more than happy and were excited to see Abeer walk again.


Abhay's mom and dad were still staying with Abhay.

His dad messaged saying him that his mom's coming to his room.
He told abhay to start with his plan.

Abhay quickly kept his phone aside and took his and Lavanya's photo frame in his hand..
As soon as he heard his mom's footsteps he caressed the photo frame faking a sad facial expression.

When Love Lasts🤍 (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now