Chapter 35 🤍

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Writer's POV

Meghna was in her academy... she was waiting for her children to leave. All left one by one .
She closed the academy and came to the car park. She was waiting for a cab.

Someone came infront of her and pulled her from her wrist.
Her phone fell down as she looked at the person infront of her.

Meghna: What the.... Daksh? How dare you? Leave me.

She said while struggling to remove her hand from his grip.

Daksh: Now you can't save yourself from me baby, you have to be mine !!!

Meghna: Not even in your dreams !!!

Meghna started kicking him,

Daksh: You b**** !!!

He slapped Meghna,  she winced in pain,  tears rolled from her eyes.

Meghna: Leave me daksh !!! Please !!!

Some goons came in a Van , Meghna got really scared by seeing them as they were the same goons who once misbehaved with Meghna.

Meghna: No please ..

Daksh: you can't save yourself from me today.

Meghna: You psychopath leave me !!! You don't know what will happen to you if you do something to me !!

Daksh: What will happen ? Ah ? Your romeo will come? Where? I can't see him anywhere.

Meghna was exhausted struggling.

Daksh: Get her inside the van right now!!!

Meghna was muttering Rehaan's name inside her head.
Before they could drag her inside the van ,
Rehaan came running to them.

Meghna: Rehaan

She smiled even through she was crying badly and sweating.
As soon as the goons saw Rehaan they ran away as they still remembered how they got beaten from him.
Only Daksh was left. 

Rehaan held him from his collars.

Rehaan: How dare you!!!!! How dare you to touch my girl!!!!! I warned you that day clearly!!!! But nothing made sense to you na !!!! You womaniser!!! I won't spare you today !!! I swear I will kill you for what you did today!!!!

He said gritting his teeth and in a dangerous voice. Daksh shivered because of his voice.
Rehaan beated him black and blue.
Blood was oozing from his whole body.

Meghna came back to her sense . And she pulled Rehaan back.

Meghna: Rehaan leave him... he will... die... please... just... take me...home... I need you ..... please stop all these... Rehaan... please...

She said in a broken voice.  Rehaan left him and held Meghna delicately in his arms. And escorted her towards his car.

They came to Meghna's house and they walked inside ,
she was trying to go to her room, before that Rehaan pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly. 

Rehaan: let it out Megha, don't stop yourself.

She sobbed in his arms like a small kid. He kept on rubbing her back and caressing her hair.

He broke the hug and cupped her face,  she winced in pain. That's when he saw the red marks on her cheeks.
Tears brimmed in his eyes as well as anger.

When Love Lasts🤍 (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now