Chapter 15 🤍

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Writer's POV

Meghna had to stay in her dance academy till night, as she had to choreograph some new performances. 
It was almost 11.00p.m when she came out of the academy.
  She couldn't find a cab , as it was too late. She started walking towards her home , hoping that  she will get a taxi. 
There were no people on the road. Only few vehicles were passing by.

She saw some men who looked like goons in some distance .
They were  drunk.
She was going to return back to her academy , but one of the man pulled her with her bag. And others surrounded her.

Goon 1: Where are you running babe.... let us have some fun.

Goon 2: wow, she is so hot guys...

He said eyeing her with lust  which made meghna feel very uncomfortable.

Goon 3: We got lucky today.

Meghna: Please.... let me go.

Goon 1: How can we let you go like that ? Let us have our time, then you can go.

Meghna: Please.. leave me .

Tears were threatening to fall from her eyes.
She was going to run but they held her. She was a crying mess, She was screaming when one of that men closed her mouth.
She was struggling but they were pulling her towards their van.

At that time Rehaan was passing from there after one of his concert  when he saw a girl getting kidnapped by few guys..  he stopped the car without thinking twice and ram towards them.

Rehaan: Leave her !!!!!

All turned towards him.
Meghna saw that it was Rehaan.
She was crying . Rehaan was shocked to see her.

Rehaan: Meghna...

He wisphered.  Then he got more angry knowing that those drunk psychos were trying to kidnap non other than Meghna.

Rehaan: You bloody a******* leave her right now!!!
Otherwise I won't think twice before killing all the 3 of you!!!!

He yelled in anger. It made all of them shiver including meghna too.
They left meghna and went to attack Rehaan .
Meghna fell on her knees ....Rehaan started beating them inhumanly. 
After few seconds they ran away to save their lives.

Rehaan calmed himself and went towards meghna who was sobbing kneeling down on the floor.

He knelt infront of her.

Rehaan: Meghna.... Are you ok?

Meghna looked at him with tears which broke his heart into million pieces, unknowingly.
He hugged her immediately and rubbed her back and caressed her hair to calm her down.
  She sobbed into his chest while holding him tight.
After few minutes he broke the hug and made her stand.
He cupped her face and wiped her tears.

Rehaan: Meghna....calm down ok ? They went... you are safe now... please stop crying.

Meghna: Reh...Rehaan... They.... tri...ed... to mol....est me....

She said while shuttering. And started crying again. He cupped her face again.

Rehaan: They couldn't do anything na baby...
please calm down you are safe now..... please stop crying.

He said calmly and with so much care.
Meghna nodded at him slowly. 
He made her sit on his car .
And drove towards her house. 
He stopped the car infront of her house.
Meghna was crying silently throughout the way.
Rehaan held her hand. She looked at him .

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