Chapter 8 🤍

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Writer's POV

After few weeks,

Abeer and Aarohi were memorising their next scene's dialogues, their director came to them.

Director: Abeer , you got the invitation for Virat and Anushka's Anniversary Party right?

Abeer: Yeah sir, I got it in the morning.

Director: Good , even Aarohi will accompany us to the party.

Aarohi: But sir , I'm not invited.

Director: yeah but you can go as Abeer's date,
there will be media so it can be profitable for our movie....
people would love to know the connection between you two and that will gain attention to our movie.

Abeer nodded agreeing with him.

Aarohi: But sir , I don't wanna go , when I'm not even invited... that's not nice na.

Abeer: Oh god , stop behaving like a good girl,
when did you do something nice ?
So don't start with your drama , stay quiet and go with us like my date.

Aarohi kicked his leg. He winced in pain.

Aarohi: You nerd !!! Stop insulting me ok?

Director: Oh god you two kindergarten kids, stop it!!! And get ready to go for the party Aarohi ...

With that he went.

Aarohi: I'm not coming for the party.

Abeer: Why not?

Aarohi: Because you didn't ask me to be your date for the party,  officially!!!

Abeer: You and your tantrums.

Abeer facepalmed and went on his knees.

Abeer: so Miss.Aarohi , our drama queen will you be my date for the party?

Aarohi grinned.

Aarohi: yes nerd I will....

Abeer smacked her head and went to talk with the director.


Shub was working when Zunaira came to his Cabin.

Shub: Yes Zunaira?

Zunaira: Mr.Gill, you have got an invitation.

He took the invitation and read it.

Shub: Oh ok, Its an Anniversary Party, get ready Zunaira,  you will be going with me.

Zunaira: what ? why me ?

Shub: Because you are my PA, this tells I have to bring a date with me , I don't have a girlfriend so you are going with me.

Zunaira wide opened her mouth.

Zunaira: So go and find a girlfriend na, I can't come.

Shub glared at her,  even she glared in return.

Shub: You are forgetting that I'm your boss Zunaira.

Zunaira: I'm not my dear boss, but please I can't come , you go alone then.

Shub: I will be get bored then, you know that I don't get mixed up with people,  so just accompany me Zunaira.

Zunaira: You will find someone to talk over there , please I can't come.

When Love Lasts🤍 (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now