Chapter 21 🤍

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Writer's POV

Zunaira got seated beside shub.
He was quiet for a while. While Zunaira waited for him to talk.

Shub: She loves him.

Zunaira: What ?

Shub: Yeah, she loves him ,
but she's having some issues and insecurities which she's not ready to share with us yet.

Zunaira: Oh god... this has become a mess.

Shub nodded.

Shub: She was broken Zunaira,  you don't know how she cried in my arms.

Zunaira: Same with Abhay Shub. He was crying like a baby.

Shub: Finally I got some precious friends in my life whom I wanna cherish forever , I can't see them like this.... isn't there anything we can do?

Zunaira: There is.... we should be with them and support them so that they will have all the strength to overcome their problems.

Zunaira side hugged him resting her head on his chest.
He reciprocated the hug instantly and pecked her head.


Rehaan and Meghna made Lavanya sleep on the bed and Rehaan covered her with a blanket.  he sat beside her on the bed.
And stared at her tear stained face.

Meghna noticed it , she walked towards him and stood infront him , she kept her hand on his shoulder.
He looked at her.

Meghna: You ok ?

Rehaan: I know Lavanya since few years now , since the time she was in college as we were neighbours. 
She was always a reserved girl, for her everything was her family and boutique.
She is always engrossed in work.
She always had major trust issues because of which she never let anyone near her.
Even through she knows me from years she never shared any of her personal issues with me.
But then I saw her letting Abhay break her walls.
She never complained,  she behaves as if she is annoyed but I knew she had something for Abhay.
It was so suprising that she was doing whatever abhay said.
She let all of us enter her life.
She took that risk.  Now she is in a mess.
I really can't see her like this. Nor Abhay, he loves her like hell.

Meghna hugged him instantly, 
while she kept standing infront of him.  Rehaan hid his face on her stomach and hugged her waist . 
she ruffled his hair.


Abeer were sitting on the couch in the room where Abhay was sleeping.
Aarohi was sleeping on his lap.

Abhay woke up and saw them together. He covered Aarohi with a blanket and went to the sitting room and saw Shub and Zunaira sleeping in the couch cuddling with each other.

Even Lavanya woke up just to witness Rehaan sleeping on the couch  while Meghna sleeping beside her.
She woke up slowly and went to the sitting room and saw Abhay sitting next to shub and Zunaira in the couch.

He stood up as he felt her presence.  They both kept on staring at each other. Lavanya's eyes were filled wth tears.
Lavanya ran to his arms and cried on his chest.
After few seconds Abhay hugged her back and let his tears flow down. Lavanya was sobbing uncontrollably.

All the six woke up due to the sound and rushed to the sitting room while shub and Zunaira stood up from the couch.

All of them witnessed how they are  crying in each other's arms.
All of them got tears in their eyes.

When Love Lasts🤍 (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now