Chapter 37 🤍

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writer's POV

Aarohi was crying in their arms like a kid, boys were trying to calm her down. Then they heard a voice which tensed all of them.

voice: Aarohi

They all turned to see Abeer and the girls. meghna was holding the wheelchair.
Abeer's eyes were filled with tears as well as girls.
Aarohi was looking at Abeer horrified.

Aarohi: Abeer...

Abeer: No Aarohi. don't please don't lie to me anymore.
I heard everything, do you now how guilty i am feeling right now?
first because of me you took a break from your career , you are not concentrating on your college work properly ,
you mange all my work alone, in this young age you are doing everything what a married woman do,
you don't take care of yourself,
you turned into a complete different person and now smo....smoking?
these all are because of me...
I feel so low about myself that I couldn't protect and take care of you like you take care of me.
              why didn't I know about this before? and you say na you love me ? even I love you then why you didn't share your pain and sufferings with me?
why couldn't I understand what you are going through  ? I ..... I failed.... I failed .... you don't deserve a person like me... you should... leave me and live your life in  a better way....
i can't see you ruining your life anymore because of me....please leave Aaru...

Aarohi walked towards him and knelt infront of him while other girls stood beside their boyfriends.
Aarohi was a crying mess.
she rested her head on Abeer's lap. while he looked away with tears.

Aarohi: Please ..... Please don't blame yourself Abeer... you are not at fault it's just I couldn't express myself to you.
I kept things to myself and it led me into wrong addictions...
I am sorry I promise I won't do anything like this again,  I will share everything with you...
so please don't tell me to leave you... you are all I have Abeer,
and about my career and college I promise I will manage them well... please don't tell your princess to go away from you...
after years I finally got someone to call as mine... I love you Abeer ... and no-one have loved me as much as you love me.
you have become my everything, my world, my only family .......
so please Abeer don't blame yourself and let us both pass through this bad phase together......... please Abeer

Abeer caressed her as she looked at him. They hugged each other tightly and cried in each other's arms...
All were in tears... other six had a group hug while looking at their friends who were suffering mentally and they didn't have any idea about it.

Abeer: We will go through this together.

He said while cupping Aarohi's face, she nodded.

Others: We all will go through this together,

They said and took both of them in a group hug.They broke the hug after some time.

Shub: We are really sorry guys.. even we couldn't be there with you both always , 

Rehaan: Yes, we got busy in our work that we forgot that what you both were going through.

Abeer: No guys don't say like that we all were stuck in problems..
it's ok.. you guys were there whenever we needed you and that what matters.

Aarohi: You guys are the best friends someone can ever get... So never say sorry guys... 

They all smiled looking at each other.

Abeer: Ok guys. enough of this emotional talks... please lets have food now i'm starving.....

all chuckled at him while Lavanya face palmed. Zunaira smacked his head

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