Chapter 27 🤍

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Writer's POV

After few months of their trip.
They all got busy in their life , but never misses their daily chats and group calls.

Abhay , Lavanya and Shub , Zuniara were dating happily.

Rehaan and Meghna met each other whenever they got time,  same with Abeer and Aarohi.

Its been a year to their friendship, they became friends on Anushka and Virat's Anniversary.  And it's been a year to that party.
They all planned to meet each other to celebrate the day.

They all gathered to Aarohi's home.
Girls were dressed in normal frocks,  while boys were dressed in normal shirt and shorts.

They all got seated in the living room. Girls got seated on the couch while boys sat on the floor near them.

Aarohi: first lets post the picture we took on insta guys...

Meghna: true , let the world know that how these stupid  strangers became friends.

Aarohi: I will post first please.

Abhay: Ok and we gonna copy your caption.

Others: yesss

Aarohi: Copy cats.


Aarohi_Queen: From complete strangers to best friends for life

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Aarohi_Queen: From complete strangers to best friends for life...
Happy one year to our friendship guys..

Love you my Happy pills ❤😘

Tag: @Abhay.Sharma @Lavanya_G @Abeer_Khurana @Shub-Gill @Zunaira.Agarwal @Rehaan.M @Meghna_Arora

They all posted the same thing on their Instagram accounts .


They all were teasing each other and enjoying...
They were having drinks as they all planned a sleepover at Aarohi's. 

Zunaira: Guys why don't we play a game ?

Rehaan: not truth or dare ... please.... so fed up of that ....

Lavanya: Ofcourse not , what about  Would you rather ?

Girls: Yes awesome .

Shub: What's that?

Meghna :  In this we ask questions from each other...
like we give you choices... for example...
Would you rather go for a picnic or on a trip ?
Like that... so you have to choose one from it.

Abeer: Oh ok.

Abhay: lets try it then.

Rehaan: Ofcourse you will try only , afterall your girlfriend suggested it.

When Love Lasts🤍 (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now