Chapter 41 🤍

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Writer's POV

Rehaan picked up Aarohi and Abeer from home and arrived to Abhay's house.
Others were already there in the car park.

As soon as Rehaan made Abeer sit on the wheelchair Lavanya and Zunaira hugged him.

Lavanya: We are so happy... finally you moved your legs...

Zunaira: It's a huge achievement dude.

Shub: Yeah we can't wait to see you walk again.

Abeer: I'm excited too.

Aarohi: Not more than me but.

All agreed and went inside.
Abhay opened the door for them and acted as if he's suprised to them there,  but he already knew they are coming.

Abhay: Guys... you all here ? You didn't even infrom me.

Aarohi: Such a drama king 

She mutterd slowly.

Rehaan: He learnt it from you only.

He muttered back and she glared at him.

Manju Aunty: Kids... come inside na... I invited them Abhay .

All: Hi aunty ... Hi uncle..

They said and took their blessings.
They all got seated , but Abhay's mom held Lavanya's hand and made her sit with her.
All gaped at her in shock.
She made Abhay sit beside her as well.

Aunty: Kids... I know you all are shocked and confused , I called you all here to talk about Abhay and Lavanya.

Shub: Ok Aunty, what is it Aunty ?

Aunty: I said no to them,  and after that you all came to me and tried convincing me ,
but I never listened. But after thinking about this a lot, I have taken a descion ...

Rehaan took Meghna in a video call , she was seeing and listening to everything too.

Abhay's mom held Abhay's and Lavanya's hand, all looked at her hopefully.

Aunty: I have decided to give my blessings to your relationship wholeheartedly.

They all grinned happily and squeeled with happiness.

Abhay: Mom? Really?

Aunty: Yes son, you cannot get a better girl than Lavanya...
I'm sorry for snatching your happiness away from you ...
I'm sorry Lavanya... I became an obstacle in your happiness... sorry my kids.

Lavanya: Aunty please don't apologise,  we understand as a mother you would have your own insecurities...
But thank you Aunty thank you so much.

Abhay's dad: Finally my wife got her brains back.

He said loudly , all were controlling their laughter... while Abhay's mom gave him a death glare.

Zunaira: But aunty... suddenly what made you change your descion ?
We tried to change your descion so many times but you never changed na aunty.

All looked at his mother curiously as they all had that question.

Aunty:Because I got fed up of their drama.

She said pointing at Abhay and Lavanya. 
Abhay and Lavanya looked at her horrified 

Aunty: Don't worry Lavanya,  I know it's all my stupid son's idea.
But he is really bad at lieing to me , What do you think I don't know your plans?
That day on the boutique and then acting all heartbroken infront of me... I know that all were a drama and your plan.
Lavanya I know whatever you said that day to me were all true,
and you said them wholeheartedly... I was impressed on that day itself.. 
but this stupid son of mine spoiled everything with his over acting.

When Love Lasts🤍 (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now