Chapter 5 🤍

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Writer's POV

Its been few days since Zuniara started working for Shub, she is doing her work perfectly, 
she never gives a chance to shub to complain about her work.

Zuniara came to Shub's cabin.

Zunaira: Mr.Gill you have to leave for the meeting now...

Shub: Yeah, let's go Zunaira.

Zunaira: Where?

Shub: To the meeting Zunaira, where else?

Zunaira: Why me ?

Shub: Because you are my PA, you should learn to handle a meeting if I'm not there, so come, let's go.

Zunaira: Ok ....

They went to the meeting, Zunaira was admiring how professional and amazing Shub in his work.
They were returning back to the office Shub was driving the car while zunaira was sitting beside him.

Zunaira: Mr.Gill,

Shub: Hmm?

Zunaira: You have become my Inspiration now, One day I wanna become a very successful businesswoman..... just like you... so perfect,  professional and best.

Shub smiled at her words.

Shub: Thank you for the compliment Zunaira, but don't become like me, become the best of your ownself,
you will be more successful than me, one day,
I know that, you are very passionate about your work and that matters a lot.

Zunaira smiled and nodded.
Zunaira saw an ice cream stall on the road,  and her eyes glistened with happiness,  shub noticed it.
He parked the car near it.
Zunaira looked at him puzzled.

Zunaira: What happend Mr.Gill?

Shub: I know you want to have ice cream, come,  let's go.

Zunaira squealed and got down from the car.
He bought her an ice cream .

Zunaira: you are not having ice cream ?

Shub: I don't like sweets.

Zunaira gaped at him and facepalmed and enjoyed her ice cream.

At that time Aarohi was returning home after shooting, 
she told her cab driver to stop the cab as she saw this ice cream stall...

She was going to cross the road but she got a call from someone,  she answered the phone,  and was trying to cross the road at the same time.
Shub saw all these and saw a truck coming from far away, it was coming really fast, he ran towards Aarohi and pulled her to a side,  saving her from a major accident,
Aarohi and Zunaira both were shocked to react.

Zunaira was going to cross the road but shub indicated her to stop.
Aarohi was shocked to react, shub noticed it , he held her wrist and made her cross the road ,he took her near Zuniara, 
zunaira made her sit near the ice cream stall.

Zunaira: Are you ok girl?

Shub: You didn't get injured right?

Aarohi was quiet , Zunaira shook her a little.

Zunaira: What happend? Are you ok?

Aarohi: umm yeah I'm ok , I was just thinking how stupid I am...
I was just wondering what would have happened if I met with an accident?
I would have died or would have saved with minor injuries.... if I died then the heaven would have got another beautiful angel,
but yeah if I would have saved with some minor injuries, then I would have got a chance to bunk college , it would be fun na , but nooo if that would have happened then I can't go to shoots na... thank god it didn't happen. Finally I'm saved .....

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