Chapter 32🤍

466 34 42

Writer's POV

Lavanya gained consciousness after few hours and looked at Abhay who was crying holding her hand.
She tightened the grip on his hand. He looked at her instantly.

Abhay: Lavanya... baby are you ok?

Lavanya: Yes... How's Abeer?

Abhay: They are still operating him, we don't have any news about him yet...
are you having any weakness?
I'm so sorry baby, this is all because of me.

Lavanya: Abhay... please you are not at fault , I'm fine please take me to Aarohi and others.

Abhay: wait , let Doctor check you first.

Doctor checked her and gave permission to wait near the ICU with others...
but told her to come back if she feels any weakness.

Abhay walked her towards others and made her sit next to Aarohi who looked broken.

Meghna: How are you now Lavanya?

Lavanya: I'm fine guys.

Shub: You scared us.

Lavanya passed him a small smile.
She side hugged Aarohi who was not reacting at all.

They waited for hours, each passing second was really hard for them.
Abeer's parents arrived to the hospital.
Shub and Abhay consoled them.

Doctors came out of the ICU... All rushed towards him.

Abeer's dad: Doctor how is my son?

Doctor: Ummm... you guys have to be strong,
he has fallen from a huge height ,
he is having multiple fractures,
Thankfully no internal bleeding in his head, but we doubt that.... he may not.....

He kept quiet while all looked at him curiously.

Zunaira: He may not what Doctor?

Doctor: He may not be able to walk again.
His spinal chord is severally damaged because of which we doubt that his legs might be paralysed.
We can confirm after he gains consciousness be strong guys...
he fought with death,
at least he is alive. Lets wait till gain consciousness.

Aarohi fell done with a thud ,
Shub instantly made her sit on the bench and hugged her while she cried in his arms.

Abeer's mom was consoled by Zunaira and Meghna, Rehaan was consoling Abeer's dad.

They pretended to be strong but deep down they all were praying that it should be a lie.
Non of them could see Abeer in that kind of state.

Lavanya was feeling faintish again so Abhay made her sleep on her hospital room.

Doctor: She was already mentally stressed,
this news of abeer must have stressed her more...
I will give her an injection which will make her fall asleep for few hours.

Abhay nodded at him and went back to others.

Few hours passed, non of them left from the hospital. They all were waiting for Abeer.

Doctor: He is not critical anymore guys. We are shifting him to a normal ward. Then will check about how he feel.

Meghna: Can we meet him Doctor?

Doctor: Yes come

They all went to the Normal ward.
Abeer opened his eyes and looked at them .
Even Lavanya came with a nurse.

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