Chapter 33 🤍

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Writer's POV

Lavanya had to stay in the hospital for 3 days...
Abhay didn't leave her side even for a second, he missed his practices and everything but he didn't care, for him Lavanya was his first priority. 
After Lavanya got discharged,  she got herself busy in her work.
Abhay was back to practices and others were back to their work too.

Aarohi informed her college principal that she wants to take online classes,  and he gave her permission. 
She signed off all the modelling agreements she signed.
Abeer was not at all happy with it but she didn't listen to him.

After three weeks,

Abeer was getting discharged. His parents and Aarohi was there.

Dad: Abeer we have to go back to London today .... there's a huge issue going on in the company. Sorry son.

Abeer: Come on dad, I understand,  you don't have to worry about that, you guys go as soon as possible.

Mom: But I don't want to go son, I can't leave you in this condition.

Aarohi: Aunty I'm there with him na , don't worry,  you can come back when everything is settled down there.

They nodded and went after hugging Aarohi and Abeer.

Aarohi: Shall we go?
Shub was trying to come and pick us from the hospital,  but I denied ,they already didn't go to work last few weeks na.

Abeer: Yeah true.

A ward boy came with a wheelchair.
Abeer sighed sadly looking at it.

Abeer: Now I have to take it's support forever.

Aarohi: only for a short time period Abeer.

She said controlling her tears.
She made him sit on it with the help of the ward boy.

Aarohi drove off to Abeer's Apartment.
She opened the door and entered the house with Abeer.

Aarohi noticed that Abeer's is beyond broken. 

Abeer: Aaru,can you take me to my room? I wanna rest.

Aarohi: God ... how much will you rest my nerdy boy...
you rested enough, lets watch a movie , I will order pizza, you must be bored having boring tastless food na.

Aarohi made him sit on the couch. And sat beside him. He was quiet all the time.

Aarohi: Are you angry with me Abeer ?

Abeer: No Aaru... why are you asking like that?

Aarohi: You are not calling me princess anymore.

Abeer: It's just.... I never thought something like this will happen ..... I'm hating myself for ruining your future... you don't deserve a person like me..... because of me you are suffering.... why are you wasting time on a man who can never walk again. I'm a handicapped man now!!!!

That's it , Aarohi slapped him. With tears and anger in her eyes.

Abeer: Aaru..

Aarohi: How dare you Abeer !!!!
How dare you say that?
You will walk again !!!
Did you get that ? You gonna walk again soon....
and don't you dare blame yourself...
I don't wanna hear all this again, do you know what I'm going through?.
but still I'm being strong for you... but you are talking nonsese here...
dont do this abeer... be with me... support me... trust that you will get well soon..

When Love Lasts🤍 (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now