🤍 Author's note 🤍

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Hey guys....
Don't know from where to start,
I started this book before 5 months...
I know I couldn't give daily updates   but you all always waited patiently till I update, and that meant a lot to me..

This journey of these 8 youngsters....
Let me write their names for the last time...
Shub, Zunaira , Abhay, Lavanya
Rehaan, Meghna , Aarohi and Abeer.
Cant beleive that this is the end of their journey , it was indeed a roller coaster

Those 8 characters were so special to me... at one point I didn't wanted to complete this book,  but your love , support and comments made me complete it successfully...

My writing journey is incomplete without you guys... I can't mention the names here but there were some special readers who commented and voted in each and every chapter... I'm always grateful to you all.

I got some new friends through this book,  and thank you for the readers and friends who was there since my first book... I don't know how to thank you all.

Because I was someone who hated reading and writing when I was small..
But wattpad and you all made me a writer....

I really don't have the heart to end
When love lasts..
But unfortunately I have to....

Thank you soooooo much everyone,  even the silent readers... this book wouldn't have been possible without you all..
I love you all so much  ..

And I hope you all will love my next books as well... looking forward for  another journey with you all.

Remember guys...
When love lasts... Nothing is

Ashi 🤍

When Love Lasts🤍 (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now