Chapter 13 🤍

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Writer's POV

It's been few days since they met, they chat daily even though they fail to take a group call.
Shub was leaving for his business trip today , all of them wished him.
He came to the office to sign some papers , before he left to the airport.
He called Zunaira to his cabin.

Zunaira: Yes Shub?

Shub: I have to go now Zunaira, you take care of all the work okay,
if there's any problem then call me anytime...
and you better shift to my cabin, I don't want any argument on that ok? ..Bye.

Zunaira stopped him holding his hand.

Zunaira: Can I drop you to the airport ?

She asked nervously making Shub smile.

Shub: You don't have to ask Zunaira,  let's go.

Zunaira grinned , and they came to the car park.

Zunaira: I will drop you in my car ?

Shub: Ok as you wish,  it feels like you are my Boss and I'm your PA

Zunaira: Ha ha ha I like it that way also.

They chuckled and got into the car, throughout the way they were talking about company and business.
They reached the airport after few minutes.

Zunaira got down from the car too, Shub took his luggage and came towards Zunaira.

Shub: So I'm going Zunaira.

Zunaira: Hmm

She said while looking down.

Shub lifted her head ,holding her chin with his finger.

Shub: Don't be like this now , I have to go Zunaira.

Zunaira: But I will miss you, you are the only person I became close to, and now even you are going.

Shub: I will come back soon.

Zunaira: When are you coming back?

Shub: I can't tell a date , but I will come soon ok.

He said holding her hand. She nodded slowly.

Shub: Bye , take care of yourself ok ?

Zunaira: Ok ... you too take care and come soon shub.

Shub nodded,  He caressed her cheek and went inside.
Zunaira sighed and went back to the office.

Zunaira's POV

I came back to the office and saw that all my files,  laptop and other stuff has been shifted to Shub's cabin.
I sighed ,
This boy is impossible,  he knows that I won't shift  so that's why he have told someone to shift my stuff to his cabin. I got seated in his chair ......

What am I feeling for my boss ? Why do I miss him already , how did I became so close to him so soon ? Am I..... Am I falling for ..... shub ?

A smile crept on my face unknowingly

Shub's POV

I boarded my flight, That look on Zunaira's face when I said bye, just broke my heart, I couldn't see her sad...
What the hell have this girl done to me ?
Even I'm missing her now , I have to get back soon after finishing my work..
I don't think I can stay without seeing her for a long time....

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