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Both Charlie and Damien walked through the halls of Truham school. They were completely unfazed by the stares they were getting as Charlie walked along with a wide smile and Damien looked like this was the last place he wanted to be. Let's be honest his expression portrayed him well.

Charlie pulled his phone from his blazer pocket and looked at the notification from Ben Hope.

Damien was friends with the boy and new about their secret meetings, he had warned the boy not to mess around with his brother. He scoffed lightly at his brother's lock screen and read the message from beside his brother, rolling his eyes as he carried his skateboard with one hand and messaged someone back with the other.

"You meet him and I'll wait outside we have form together anyway."

Charlie nodded at his brother, the same happy smile never leaving his face as the two kept walking towards the library.

Damien waited patiently outside the library whilst he went through his instagram and leant against the wall, a bored expression still planted firmly on his face.

Inside the library, Charlie turned his phone on at the sound of a light buzz to see a message from Ben had popped up.

Ben Hope
actually can we meet up at break instead?

Charlie's smile faded as he opened the message and hesitantly typed a response.

Over the PA, the principle was explaining everything whilst Charlie stood still for a moment.

"Happy New Year, Tuham boys. Uh don't forget there'll now be students from all school years in your new form groups. I hope you enjoy getting to know some fresh faces in registration each day."

Charlie read the words he wrote on his hand earlier this morning and joined his brother outside the library. The brother's started to head to their new form: B25.

"Oh! if it isn't Charlie and Damien Spring. Happy new year." the tone in his voice wasn't at all happy in the slightest.

"Hi sir." both boys spoke the same words at the same time, not wanting to be where they were.

"Come to join Hamlet House?"

Damien was going to retort with some snarky comment but Charlie spoke first "Apparently so."

"Let's see, where did I put you on the seating plan? Ah yes, over there. Charlie you're next to Nicholas Nelson he's in Year 11, so only one year older than you, one of the rugby boys too, I think and Damien you know him so you're opposite him. I'm sure you'll get along swimmingly, or you can just sit in silence for the rest of the year. It really doesn't affect me in any way whatsoever."

Damien smirked a little as he watched his brother groan. The boy had just found out he was in a form with one of his best mates as well as his brother. This will be fun.

Nick looked up from his notebook and locked eyes with Charlie who just stood there, so Damien being the annoying brother he is, he pushed Charlie forward.

"Come on Charlie! Move! I wanna sit down for gods sake!"

Charlie listened to his brother and took his seat to the left of Nick, Damien also took his seat opposite the blonde boy as he let out a huff.

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