forty one

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Harry silently sighed to himself, all that made it past his lips was a small huff. All he wanted was for Damien to open up to him, of course he wouldn't make him. But something was eating away at his conscious, it was bugging him and he couldn't figure out what is was.

Maybe it was the fact that Ben kept messaging him, constantly trying to get him to understand why he acted the way he was. Then again, there was no reason on earth which could explain the plain hatred Harry was feeling towards Ben since he had started being a complete ass towards everyone, especially Damien. He was the one person who he would not let Ben break.

Realistically, Harry knew Damien was strong - both mentally and physically - but knowing some of the things going on, Harry wanted to keep that secret hidden. He did not want Damien to find out Ben was completely ambushing him, constantly trying to get him to give him a chance.

"Ok, just relax."

"I am relaxed Harry...just tired."

"Then sleep."

Damien pressed a chaste kiss to the top of Harry's head and shuffled around a little, careful to not move the boy on his lap as much. Once he was comfortable, his grip around Harry's torso tightened and he completely relaxed against him. All the tense and built up emotions left him as he felt Harry press gentle kisses to the crook of his neck.

This was the difference between the two Spring brothers. Charlie may be the only brother willing to share what was wrong and why he was upset with Nick, and Damien kept his feelings at an arms distance.

Nicholas looked at the boy who sat across from him, the boy he was begining to adore no matter how scared he was for everyone to find out about them. Charlie looked absolutely exhausted, and all Nick wanted to do was comfort him in any way possible. The youngest Spring wanted nothing more than to explain everything to Nick, to help him understand that yes, he was okay with keeping them on the low, but things were starting to eat him away from the inside, out.

Charlie placed down his pen, ignoring the homework sheet which needed completing. He was about to start a conversation which both of them are needing to have, he was just nervous. Charlie didn't want to push Nick into telling people, he didn't even want a big announcement himself. He just wanted to make sure they were both on the same page about where their relationship sat.

"Nick? I promise I'm not pushing you to make any rational decisions, but can we talk about us...please?"

Nick mirrored his boyfriend's actions, placing his pen down and pulling himself up, into a sitting position. The boy nervously swallowed his breath, "Yeah? We'll have to talk about it eventually, why not let it be now..." to say he was scared of what Charlie would want to talk about specifically, was an understatement. Nick partially wanted the world to swallow himself whole, he also wanted to disappear.

Charlie could easily see how nervous Nick was, from the way his eyes were darting around the place and the way he looked like he was going to jump up and leave at any moment. The boy reached forward to gently entwine his fingers with Nick's, "Oh God. I didn't mean to make you nervous or anything. I'm sorry. Nick? Nick."

"Calm down Charlie. I'm ok, are you ok? Look, I know we need to talk about us, but at the moment, you're too nervous." Nick watched Charlie nod his head and continue with his homework as if he'd not stopped in the first place.

"Don't worry about it."

"No, Charlie. Listen, we will talk about us, I promise."

Charlie nodded, keeping his head down. Maybe he could wait, maybe he could put up with what they have for the mean time. But he knew he wanted more, something better than what Ben gave him. Charlie knew he already had that, Nick himself was better, but the kind of relationship they were begining to have was something Charlie didn't want any part of. He was done being someone's little secret that was hidden away from other's eyes.

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