thirty two

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a/n: i'm back guys!! and i have an update for you, sorry for taking so long.

Sunday night, the final night of the two weeks they had off from school, was eventful.

Damien had stayed with Harry, it wasn't his choice. Harry had kept him in the house and away from his own home because he didn't want the boy anywhere near his father.

The pair stayed together and watched a bunch of tv, made out and slept for ages. Y'know, nothing out of the norm. Until Damien woke up in the middle of the night, letting a sob escape his lips. His hand flew to his mouth as he tried to mask his feelings so Harry didn't find out. He didn't want to wake the boy, but Damien hadn't been getting what he wanted recently.

Harry stirred awake and took one look at Damien before sitting up, pulling him closer. His arms wrapped around the boy, his chin resting on Damien's forhead as he rubbed small circles on his back. Harry had picked up a few new ways to calm someone down when they reached this level of emotion. He gathered Damien had the same dream as before, not that he knew what it was about. He didn't need to and he didn't want to if that meant making him upset.

Damien didn't cry, he just stared at Harry's t-shirt as the boy held him close. He knew he needed to tell Harry why he got so worked up about a dream. How do you tell the guy you make out with that you dreamt of your brother dying, for the second time? That's right, there is no answer because it is impossible for anyone to do.

It felt so real, the movement, the scenery, the feelings. That's what made it worse, he didn't want to be dreaming about his little brother's death, expecially when it kept happening.

Damien felt Harry place a kiss to the top of his head before gently pulling away and making Damien look up at him. Harry pulled him closer with a kind grip on his chin, connecting their lips. Damien immediately kissed back, moving his hands to connect around his torso.

Distraction. Harry was trying to distract Damien from thinking about it and he knew it. The Spring boy was thankful for it, but there was no way he could be distracted. Until Harry pulled him forward and deepened the kiss. That'll do it. Damien's mind went blank as he kissed back, all those thoughts dissapeard the minute their chests touched because they're so close.

The next morning, the pair were ready for school. Damien was wearing borrowed uniform and Harry was in his own. This Monday wasn't going to be great.

The boy's had agreed to go by Ben's terms at least for as long as they could keep it up eventhough they had practically beaten the boy into his senses. To Damien's dismay Harry had managed to get him to agree. So right now was going to be one of the last moments for today that they actually pay attention to eachother.

That was a lie.

Damien hated breaking the agreement but he wasn't exactly doing that, he was just ignoring one of Ben's no good conditions because he promised himself he would pay close attention to the boy he had spent the last 2 weeks with.

They had finally made it to school and the first thing Damien did was stumble back. Charlie had pushed his brother and walked past him with Tao following closely behind. Shit. He had been receiving messages and unanswered calls from Charlie since he hadn't been home. They were all along the lines of 'Come home, mum wants you back!' but then the next would say 'Don't! dad's going on a rampage again.' Damien had completely forgot about how his brother dealt with  their parents arguing, he turned too Harry "I gotta run. I'll see you later!" he rushed after his brother and managed to catch up with him.

Charlie stopped walking when Damien stood infront of him, blocking the pathway. After receiving a pleading look from the youngest Spring boy, Tao left and headed to class. Damien looked down at Charlie and shook his head slightly "I am so sorry, I totally forgot and Harry wouldn't let me leave his house to help me! I really didn't think he would keep arguing with mum about it after I had left. I am so sorry." but he stopped rambling when Charlie poked his chest "Shut up. All I wanted from you was an answerr so i knew you were okay. I was so worried Damien. Tori won't leave her bedroom and dad...he's left to live with nan and grandad, mum really wants you to come home."

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