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It was pouring down outside and Charlie was still stood at the front door looking at Nick Nelson, who by the way, was still soaking wet.

His chest was rising and falling fast as he looked at the curly haired boy standing infront of him "Um...I'm sorry for not texting you. Uh...I just wanted to talk in person."

"Okay." Charlie sighed before stepping outside and pulling the older boy in "Just...Just come in, you're getting soaked."

"Yeah, good idea."

The front door was left open as the pair stood in the doorway facing eachother. Charlie quickly looked the boy up and down "Did you forget a coat?"

Nick caught onto what was being said to him and looked down at himself in a moment of realisation "Oh. Uh...Yeah, I didn't check the weather before I left."

Charlie muttered an 'Idiot' under his breathe which made Nick chuckle.

He really was an idiot. A lovesick, panicking idiot.

"Um..." Nick cleared his throat before looking at Charlie "So, about last night. Um...I just wanted to say--" he was cut off by Charlie's mum, Jane.

"Nick. I didn't know you were coming round."

"Um..." he looked to Charlie for help because he had no jdea what to say to the woman "...Yeah. Sorry, yeah."

Charlie pointed to Nick, hiding a panicked expression behind a blank one "He's just picking up a jumper he left here last week."

Jane unfolded her arm, not believing the pair of teenagers but decided not to say anything "Right. Uh, well, don't forget we're going to Grandma's this morning, Charlie. Tell your brother he can stay here with Tori, he needs it. You could at least change out of your pyjamas." she left the hallway and went back into the kitchen.

Nick smiled down at Charlie, only now noticing he was still in his bed wear, but his smile ran away the moment Charlie looked up at him.

"Let's go to my room."

Nick swallowed his breathe and slowly headed upstairs as Charlie closed and locked the front door.

The entered Charlie's bedroom and Nick took his jumper off, more like pryed the thing off his skin as the wet fabric held on for dear life.


Charlie didn't even let Nick get another word in as he began to talk with as much speed as a train.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry. It was...I didn't think properly about what I was doing and...It was a stupid thing. I don't want you to feel awkward about it because it was all my fault."

Nick took a step towards Charlie, trying to calm the boy down but getting ignored in the process "Charlie hang on."

"I shouldn't have kissed you. I bet you just felt pressured to do it because I asked, and you probably don't wanna talk to me ever again. But I at least had to say sorry. See if maybe there's a chance we can still be friends?"

"Charlie--" Nick was now close enough to the smaller boy that he could rest his hand on his shoulder as he spoke.

But Nick was still ignored as Charlie had to get his words to leave his mouth before his throat began to hurt "I dont want to lose you because I did something stupid."


When he finally listened to Nick and payed attention, he looked up to see Nick was standing right infront of him.

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