thirty five

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It was not long after midnight and Damien was sat beside the sleeping boy beside him stuck in his thoughts. He was the only one awake and gazed at everyone before resting is head on the back of the sofa and staring at the ceiling.

He was glad that his brother was okay, he was glad that his father hadn't shown his face at the hospital. If it weren't for the fact that everyone was sound asleep and Harry's head was resting on his shoulder he would have moved to go and find a nurse.

A few moments went by of the boy just sitting there bored out of his mind until movement caught his attention. Damien looked up to lock eyes with Charlie who had tried his hardest to sit up with the use of only one hand.

The youngest out of the two smiled softly and looked down at his and Nick's hands. He looked back up and nodded at Damien "I'm okay...I promise you I'm okay." He could tell by the way Damien's jaw twitched that he didn't believe him, but he nodded in response nevertheless.

"I just thought you would talk to me about things like this. We had an agreement Char."

"I know, I'm sorry. You were just so happy with Harry and I didn't want to pull you away from him when you were still figuring all of it out."

Charlie stopped talking when he felt Nick's grasp on his hand tighten sightly. Nick was now awake and using his free hand to wipe the sleep away from his eyes. A smile was shared with Damien before he looked at Charlie. Damien noticed the way the pair looked at eachother, and for someone who was very convincingly a heterosexual about a week ago, Nick seemed to know what he wanted.

Charlie shook his head slightly and breathed out heavily "Please don't hate me. I don't want anyone to look at me differently, expecially you two." Both boy's on the receiving end of Charlie's words felt their hearts beating quicker.

"We're not going to look at you any different Charlie, you should know that."

Damien nodded along, sparing a glance towards Harry "You're my brother, I'll see you as just that like I'm supposed to." He moved ever so slightly and gently moved Harry's head off of his shoulder before standing up and silently heading to the door. He stopped just before opening the door and turned to look at the pair "I'll be back in a few, if Harry over there wakes up send him to the toilets for me would you?" he saw the looks on their faces and rolled his eyes "Not like that you asses." He left the room and shut the door behind him.

The boy was walking into the hospital toilets within a few minutes and shutting himself in a stool. He was pulled his phone from his pocket and called his mother. When she picked up, her tone was quiet and stern "Damien, what's wrong? Is my Charlie okay?"

Something was wrong.

"Mum, what's wrong? Are you -- what's going on?"

The line was quiet for a moment "Nothing, honey. I'm just sorting a few things out, don't worry. I just need you to make sure Charlie gets to Nick's okay when he's been released."

"What are you talking about mum? I thought he was coming home."

"He will, just not for a little while, okay? I've gone to my mother's for a few days and I need you to stay at the house with Tori. I don't want your father anywhere near Charlie, okay? Do you understand."

No. Damien wanted to tell her that he had no idea what the hell was going on.

"Yes, mum. I understand. I uh, I need to get going."

"By honey, I'll be home by next Saturday."

Damien ended the call and contemplated throwing his phone at the wall or flushing it down the toilet. Either way everything seemed to be pissing him off so much. He slowed his breathing when he heard the door to the toilets open. The possibility that it could've been Harry who just walked in was high considering it was very early in the morning. Damien opened the door and sighed in content when he walked out and locked eyes with Harry.

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