twenty six

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The next morning, Damien jumped awake at someone knocking on his bedroom door. He looked beside him and saw Harry was still sleeping, a sighing Damien gently pulled his hand away from Harry's and got off the bed. The Spring boy opened his door and stepped outside, closing it behind him to be met face to face with his dad.

His dad looked fuming and Damien knew exactly why, he prepared himself for all the shouting and everything except it never came. Damien felt a pang of pain before he realized what had happened, his dad had punched him and he didn't feel it.

"What the fuck!" despite being mad, Damien kept his words in a harsh whisper "What was thay for!"

His dad shook his head and practically growled at the boy "I said no boys in my house after dark didn't I?" he didn't even wait for Damien to answer him, he just turned around, walked down the stairs and straight out the front door.

The boy sighed before turning around and accidentally locking eyes with Charlie and Tori, they both looked horrified but before they could say anything Damien went back into his room and closed the door. Harry was now sitting up, his back against the headboard with a shocked look mixed with an annoyed look on his pale face. Damien's father had just punched him, a bruise was starting to show and Harry hated it.

Damien shook his head as he took a seat on the end of his bed "It's nothing Harry, stop looking at me like that..." despite his words he really didn't want Harry to see him like this or witness what just happened. For a moment the two boys just stared at eachother, no words and no noise. Another knock sounded from the other side of the bedroom door and Damien wanted the world to swallow him whole. He eyed Harry who was staring at the door before getting up and opening it to see Charlie standing there as well as Tori.

Charlie looked past his brother and saw Harry sitting on the bed, both boys stiffened as they made eye contact. Charlie pointed an accusing finger at the boy "Are you--"

"Not yet."

Damien's face twisted into a thought of confusion "Charlie what are you doing? Leave him alone and you-" he stopped talking as he turned to look at Harry "We are going to have a talk after these have left."

Tori smirked and tapped on the doorway, gaining the three boys's attention "So...what was that?"

Damien instantly knew what his sister was asking and shook his head before bringing them in and closing the door behind himself, taking a seat beside Harry on the bed. He knew they would find their dad's reasoning behind the punch fucking stupid but what a world, right?

Damien eyed Charlie before nodding "Your dad punched me in the face because I have a boy over and he apparently said not to..." he watched their faces twist in annoyance "Yes, I know...stupid reasoning."

It didn't go unnoticed that Damien called his dad Charlie's and not his own. Damien had only called him his dad once and hadn't since he was six, he wasn't going to start now.

Harry stayed quite for the next few minutes as Tori basically slated her dad, not wanting to get involved in something that didn't already involve him. Damien noticed how quiet the boy was and held his hand out of sight of his siblings, he didn't want to make Harry feel overwhelmed. But sneaking a glance at the boy beside him, he knew Harry was anything but that. Both Charlie and Tori had left the room, shutting the door behind them so the boys didn't have to move from the bed. Damien fully turned himself to face Harry, but kept his grip on the boy's hand.

Harry shook his head, his jaw still set firmly in place "What your...he did wasn't ok Damien, you know that right?"

"Of course I know that, but it's always happened and it won't be stopping anytime soon so there's nothing to say or do about it."

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