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Time had escaped them, school was back on, and Damien still wanted to kill Julio.

It seemed like everything had started to settle, for now the worst had been laid to rest. That's what everyone thought. But for Damien, things were changing. That place. The place that he tried so hard to pull himself out from was begining to get harder to stay away from. It was pulling him back like a strong magnetic force. Everything felt strange for him. Because to Damien, things weren't always okay.

But he was trying to stay away from it. Thankfully enough, Ben was slowly learning to leave him alone - not so much Harry. The boy had told Damien nothing of it, Harry didn't want him worrying, or making his progress worse. So, because of that, he kept it quiet and as far as Damien knew, Ben had given up.

That was silly, the Spring boy had a feeling that something was going on. But he knew better than to bring it up, it was better to wait and let Harry say something first.

It also turned out that Imogen had taken a liking to Damien. Typical. She was starting to like someone who she knew didn't like her back. In fact, he didn't like her at all. There was no way that she knew about the two boys, no one except Charlie, Nick and Tori knew. They liked it that way, it meant they could have privacy, have moments to themselves without them being ruined with other people's words.

Things were also tough for Charlie, after his time at the hospital and talking to his brother about why he did it, everything felt new to him. Seeing everyone again, hiding what was wrong from almost everyone became the new normal. But that was fine, Charlie settled for that because he was used to it.

Damien walked through the corridor of the school by himself, he had left his brother at the gate with Nick and headed to the music room. Something was bugging him, but he had no idea what, so the easiest way of distracting himself other than talking to Harry was finding the school piano and playing.

His fingers danced frantically across the keys, a perfect melody sounding through the practice room. Damien had taught himself how to play the piano, and hearing the beautiful sounds emmiting from the instrument was relaxing. The teenager had no idea a teacher was standing in the doorway, specifically his old music teacher. Miss Warner hadn't heard him play and instrument in a long time, and to say she was happy he was finally playing again was the biggest understatement of the year.

The music gave Damien peace, a feeling which was hard to grab onto. But then the bell sounded, that defeaning ringing sound, signaling it was time to enter the worst part of his prison.

His morning flew by aimlessly, Damien did what was asked of him and went back and forth with the banter his mates were spitting. Until rugby practice rolled around at lunchtime. It was his first practice of the day, the second would follow after school hours on the feild.

Nicholas was passing the ball between himself, Charlie and another boy; Josh. His gaze was caught on Damien, trying to figure out wether he was okay or not. Nick didn't need to do much thinking, it was easy for him to tell the boy weren't really in the mood.

Harry on the other hand, could not keep himself focused on the practice at hand. His eyes were strained on Damien and the way he was tossing the ball around. The boy kept his mind strained on what he was doing, distantly listening to the coach's shouts on tactics and tricks the boys had to nail.

Damien continued tossing a spare ball around, sometimes sending fleeting glances towards Harry. His mind was racing, but all he had to do was focus on the ball, he knew that, and yet it was hard. Damien noticed Nick's stares, sending pointed glares at him from across the pitch. All Damien wanted to do was go home and put a tv show on, maybe spend some time with Harry. The only thing he was dead set on doing after practice, was checking on Tori.

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