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Nick looked at Tara with a nervous smile on his face "Anyway, sorry about this. I don't know why my friends want to set us up." Tara chuckled at him making Nick stutter his next words out.

"Not that you're not, like, um, you know...I don't really feel that way."

"Nick, it's fine, I don't feel that way about you either."

Nick sighed, almost in relief "Yeah."

"All of this could have just been avoided if I just..."


Tara looked up at Nick, a nervous but proud glint in her eye as she shrugged "Told everyone I was a lesbian."

Nick turned his head slightly, his hands still hidden away in his pockets "Well, yeah, um but I guess that's not something you'd want to lie about."

Tara gently shook her head "Wouldn't be a lie."

"What? Oh. You actually are?"

Tara turned to look behind her at a jumping around Darcy "There's my girlfriend over there." she turned back to look up at Nick "We've mostly been keeping it quiet."

"Yeah, So why are you telling me?"

"Me and Darcy have been talking, and honestly, we feel like we don't need to keep it that quiet anymore."

"You mean, like, come out?"

"Not necessarily. Um, we don't want to make a big announcement, but...Maybe just not hide so much."

"That's cool. I mean I've only ever met one openly gay person before. Do you know Charlie Spring?"

Tara smiled widely "Yeah I know Charlie Spring. Uh, are you friends?"

"Yeah. Yeah, we sit next to eachother in form. He's probably...Yeah, he probably is my best friend right now...Damien too."

Tara smiled at him before she was nudged forward and then steadied by her smiley girlfriend. She grinned as she held her arm around Darcy's waist "Wanna dance?"

"Yes please."

The pair smiled at Nick before rushing off to the dance floor.

Nick turned around in hopes to find Charlie still sitting down on the sofa but his face dropped once he didn't see him. He turned around and went to leave the room but stopped when Harry called out for him.

"Hey, look who's by himself. Nick! Where you going?"

"I'm just going to find Charlie."

"What, that nerdy little year 10? Why do you even hang out with him?"

Damien appeared out of nowhere and stood himself beside Harry, crossing his arms in the progress. What's a party without drama? Not a party? wrong! He knew tonight was gonna head downhill just by the look on Nick's face. Oh shit.

"He's my friend."

"But why? Do you just feel sorry for him 'cause he's gay?" all the boys stood behind Damien and Harry started to laugh.

Damien shook his head and glared at the boys behind him, instantly making them shut up. He turned to Harry and his jaw tightened "Watch what you say. Mate."

Nick looked completely unimpressed "What?"

Harry decided to completely ignore Damien's words once again "Oh, my god, no, wait, wait. Do you think he has a crush on you?"

The boys behind the pair didn't seem to get the memo and started to laugh again. Damien was now completely and utterly pissed off.

"Oh, my god, how sad."

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