thirty eight

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Damien woke up to Charlie, Tori and Nick all looking down at him. Harry was still asleep, so the boy did nothing but glare at the three of them. Despite his very silent and some might say considerate oppositions, the three were somewhat fascinated about what was going on.

Tori was happy for her brother, but she was the only one out of the three onlookers who weren't gaping at the scene in front of them. Charlie on the other hand looked like he was about to start screaming loud enough for the next four planets in the solar system to hear. Lastly, Nick was practically smirking down at the boy who returned the gaze, more bewilderment behind his eyes than ever before.

He knew it was his fault for sleeping downstairs, in the living room away from the privacy of his bedroom. Damien was no where near ashamed, he just wasn't so sure if Harry would appreciate waking up to three very insensitive aliens gawking down at him. The boy carefully shook his head and whispered a few cursewords before all four of them completely froze, Harry was starting to wake up.

Tori, Charlie and Nick all ran for the hallway. Charlie slipped and grabbed hold of his boyfriend as they continued to run from the living room. Damien tried so hard to keep his laughter at bay, so much so that it left his mouth in a low chuckle just as Harry opened his eyes.

Harry slowly pulled himself up so he wasn't lying ontop of Damien. Thankfully he was facing Damien and not the doorway because all three of the stalkers popped their heads around the doorframe. Damien had to keep a straight face as he internally smirked to himself. The boy reached forward and laced his fingers with Harry's "Goodmorning." Harry looked down at their hands as he yawned, covering his mouth with the back of his free hand and muttering a "Goodmorning." as he sat up properly and pulled Damien with him.

The pair were now sitting up on opposite ends of the sofa and holding hands in the space between them. How sweet. Damien enjoyed the moment but he knew he would have enjoyed it a whole lot more if his siblings and Nick weren't watching the whole charade as if it were a brand new movie they liked so much. Damien ignored them and pulled his knees to his chest as he rested his chin on his knees, making sure to keep hold of Harry's hand "How was your sleep, what did I miss?" The Greene boy shook his head with a small smile "Not was weird, though. I'll tell you that much."

Weird would be an understatement entirely. If Damien knew what Harry dreamt about he would feel as sick as Harry did. He felt sick to his stomache because of one dream. Harry had no intentions of telling Damien what is was about.

Ignoring the pit he felt in the bottom of his stomach, Harry pulled his hand which was holding Damien's up and towards his mouth. The boy gingerly kissed Damien's knuckles. It would go unknown to most, but Harry watched as Damien's eyes lit up the moment Harry's lips were pressed to his skin.

Their actions couldn't have been made more obvious as Tori's face held a grin and Charlie coughed far too much as the three of them entered the living room. the only one of them who seemed normal in that moment was Nick and that was a stretch.

Harry subtly nodded to himself as he held onto Damien's hand, but slowly lowered them from his mouth. Damien looked over at Harry in awe, he was completely taken over by the way Harry held onto him even infront of those three.

The minute Damien slowly forced himself to look away from the boy and over at the company they shared against their will, he locked eyes with his twin and turned red when she looked between him and his boyfriend. Absolute madness.

Tori smiled at them both as she grabbed her coat from over one of the kitchen chairs and headed back into the living room "I'm going out for the day, mum won't be back for a few days. The one, very obvious rule is don't trash the house." she left the living room and shouted a goodbye as she left.

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