twenty nine

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The next morning was what you would call eventful if you had common sense. The two boys had woken up before Damien's family arrived home. They had already left the house deciding it would not be good for Damien to be home when they finally arrived.

They spent the morning messing around on a feild and tripping eachother over. It was very amusing to any one who passed the boys and glanced at the two with small smiles on their faces.

Harry laughed as Damien threw himself on the floor and rolled around for a second before sitting up, holding a hand over his chest. They ended up sitting against some big tree with their backs rested against the stump beside eachother.

The atmosphere grew tense as they both had things they needed to say about that one specific conversation they had lastnight after Ben left. Damien wanted to tell Harry to just forget about the whole thing and leave it to him because it was his problem and his own fault. But Harry wanted to tell Damien to listen to Ben because he didn't want the boy to get hurt or recieve any shit for what was soon going to be a rumour spreading around the school like wild fire.

Neither of them said anything for a moment, Damien kept his witty remarks locked away as he examined Harry's expression of deep thought "What is it?" Harry shook his head and that's when Damien called bullshit. He knew Harry wanted to talk about it and try to persuade him to listen but Damien knew it was useless.

He wasn't going to listen.

Harry sighed as he cracked his knuckles before resting his arms on his knees which were propped up "I think you should listen. Even if you don't entirely listen, just ignore my existence when he's around..."

"And why would I do that?"

Harry's mind when blank, Damien had asked him a question which had a logical answer, he just couldn't find it and that pissed him off a little "Because....I'm asking nicely."

Damien shrugged, he really didn't care what anyone else thought about his issues at home. He wasn't going to start now and that was a fact "And why do you care about it?"

"Because you're...I don't know what you are but I do, so shut up."

Harry paused between speaking, he didn't know how to word it and he refused to put a label on it just yet, expecially not without talking to Damien about it first. But Damien couldn't help himself, he laughed and covered his mouth with one of his hands, turning his head away so Harry couldn't watch him try to contain his laughter.

A look full of pure offence worked its way onto Harry's features as he shook his head "Unbelievable...are you laughing at me?"

Damien kept his hand over his mouth as he shook his head, keeping eye contact to a minimum of zero. He couldn't help himself and found it funny how Harry cared more about it than he himself did.

What a weird situation? huh.

After Damien's need for laughter died down, he slowly turned to look at Harry, his smile fading slightly "Look, in my opinion...I don't think it's worth it. I...God this is gonna sound so sappy. I like spending time with you, even if you turn out to be just a friend." He kept his eyes on his shoes as he spoke, not wanting to look Harry in the eyes "Ben isn't worth the trouble, he never has and he never will. So can we please just ignore him and let me deal with what happens at school..."

Harry genuinely contemplated it for a minute before shaking his head "No." He got up and started walking away from the tree. Damien sighed before getting up and catching up to him until they were walking beside eachother "Where are we going?"

"To Ben's." that was all Harry said, he didn't speak anymore. The boy ignored Damien's protests and held Damien's hand in his own as they carried on walking towards Ben's House. Damien honestly wanted to nock the boy out and drag him back to his house just to lock him in a small ass cupboard, that's how annoying Ben was making Harry act.

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