twenty eight

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Getting comfortable on the sofa was the easy part, choosing what to watch was the tricky part. Damien claimed he didn't care what they watched but every time Harry suggested some random film, Damien immediately dismisses it. He said it was boring and that he'd already watched it multiple times before so there was no point.

Harry started to get agitated with the boy so he said that every time Damien dismissed a film, he would miss a kiss. Immediately hating that rule Damien pressed the button on the remote and a random film started to play. That film ended up being Captain America The Winter Soilder which made Harry raise his eyebrows at Damien's expression.

Damien's mind immediately flicked back to when Charlie watched the film with him about half a year ago and they both agreed that Bucky Barnes was fit as fuck. Of course they agreed not to tell anyone and that it was a moment sworn to secrecy.

But it was given away the moment Steve Rogers showed up at Bucky's apartment and you could see the dark haired man standing behind Steve. Damien literally gawked at the tv screen and Harry started laughing as he noticed.

Damien slowly turned his head to glare at the boy sitting beside him, he pulled his hand away from Harry and crossed his arms with a huff. This made Harry laugh even more, he just found out that Damien gawkes at the winter soldier and gets all defensive about it. Harry reached a hand up and gently tried to pry Damien's arms open but it didn't work.

So Harry stood up and glanced at Damien as he slowly headed towards the front door "I'll go home then..."

Damien turned his head away from Harry's direction and stared at the wall "Fine." when it hit him that Harry was partially not joking, he jumped up from his seat and grabbed onto the boy, pulling him into his grip. Harry chuckled slightly and nodded "Oh, so now you don't want me to leave? Tough luck, I'm leaving anyways." He pulled against Damien's grip towards the front door and managed to grab hold of the door handle. Damien's arms stay wrapped around Harry's waist trying to pull him back as Harry opened the front door. Both boy's froze in their tracks when they came face to face with Ben Hope.

What the hell was he doing here?

Ben had his hands stuffed in his pockets as he stared at the pair who slowly moved away from eachother. Damien crossed his arms "What do you want Ben? And why did you come here uninvited?"

"I need to talk to you. Now and alone." The boy eyed Harry before looking Damien dead in the eyes with a straight face "Or are you busy making out with him?"

The frustration on Damien's face was evident, all trace of a smile was now long gone and definitely wouldn't return until Ben had left. He hated the boy and wanted him nowhere near Harry, so speaking through gritted teeth Damien glared at Ben "Don't you fucking dare...Fine, come in."

Ben awkwardly walked past both boys and stood in the hallway beside the staircase, Harry nodded at Damien before going upstairs and sitting on Damien's bedroom floor.

Harry hated the idea of Damien being left alone with Ben, he knew Spring could take care of himself but he still didn't like it. He wasn't even with Damien so he had no reason to be jelous, yet there he sat feeling so annoyed with Ben. Harry knew that's all Ben wanted: some alone time with Damien no matter the cost.

Damien led Ben into the kitchen after turning the tv off. They both stood in the kitchen awkward as hell but neither of them spoke until Damien shook his head "What do you want Ben? I've told you multiple times I don't want to see you cause you've pissed me off."

"Yet here we stand. What does that tell you Damien, hm? 'Cause you always end up giving into meeting me. Why is that?"

"Because if I don't you'll show up at my house unwanted like you did today. Someone needs to learn some boundaries don't they?"

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