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[Tao] "Oh, no."

The group was at a sleepover and they were playing Monopoly. Everyone was at the Spring house in Charlie's room.


Charlie laughed and looked at Tao "Hand over." So, Tao handed over most of his money to Charlie, making sure to pout in the process.

"Thank you."

Elle shook her head as she shared a knowing look with Damien "It's nearly midnight, can we please call it a draw?"

"No, because I'm clearly winning. I just have unlucky rolls."

Charlie shook his head "No, I'm winning because I have more money."

"No, the winner is the superior businessperson, and that's me."

Damien scoffed "Oh really Tao? Really? You have to have the most money to win the game and Charlie clearly has more money than you."

Tao raised his eyebrows as he shook his head "What? No! You're just saying that because he's your brother. Both of you are cheaters!"

"No Tao, I'm the superior businessperson seeing as I have more money which is the goal of Monopoly. Like Damien said."

"You only have more money because you know all of the Monopoly cheats."

Damien snickered "You can't cheat at Monopoly you dumbass!"

Isaac being the absolute king he is moved his foot and accidentally tipped the board off the matress which sent the peices toppling away "Oh, whoops." Damien literally clapped for him as he nodded "Isaac I love you! Literally run away with me." he noticed the wierd look Tao gave him and shrugged "What? No one gives my book read enough credit here!"

Charlie nodded, a smile on his face "Draw?"

Tao lasily shrugged his shoulders and shook his head "Draw..."

Elle sighed in relief and highfived Damien "Thank god."

After a little while they had packed up the board game and now it was just Tao, Damien and Elle left in the bedroom seeing as Charlie and Isaac left to get hit chocolate.

Tao looked between the pair "It's never a good time to tell someone their crush is going on a date with someone else. And I just don't like Nick, I've seen him with those nasty Year 11's at the school gate."

Damien eyed Tao as he listened to the boy, no matter how much he liked his mates he had to agree. They were nasty, especially most of them.

"If they say anything mean to Charlie...I'm going to crush them."

Damien had to bite his tounge to stop himself from snickering, except Elle didn't stop herself "Crush them?"

"Verbally, Damien can physically crush them....I'll do it verbally."

Elle nodded, going along with it "Doesn't sound like the safest tactic."

"Well, we don't like playing safe do we Damien?"

Damien shook his head and held his hands up in mock surrender "Nope! I am not apart of this scheme you have going on Xu."

Tao nodded "Let's tell him when he gets back."

Elle rolled her eyes "Fine, if it will make you stop talking about it."

"What? We cant tell him. You can't tell him. We. Are. Not. Telling. Him."

Both Elle and Tao looked over at Damien who raised his eyebrows at them and crossed his arms.

"I mean it. Anyone of you tell my brother I will generally make sure you fall down a flight of accident."

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