thirty nine

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When Damien had told the three that he would die a very happy teenager if his father was to kill him for kissing a boy, he wasn't lying once. He had meant every word because Harry was that boy.

They had all chilled out since Julio had left, but Nick and Harry had to leave for a little while. The boys said their goodbyes and left, making their way home.

Nicholas stuffed his hands into his pockets and glanced at Harry before smiling to himself "You like him alot then?"

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?"

"Nothing, mate. Nothing."

"Good." Harry swallowed his breathe and shook his head "What's up with you and Charlie, then?"

"I'm not quiet sure yet, but he's mine."

The Greene boy nodded a little and shrugged "I'm...uh, I'm sorry I'm a little surprised about myself let alone you." Harry felt really bad about constantly bullying Charlie, not so much that annoying friend of his, but guilt was still there. He also felt insanely sorry for being an asshole about stuff he didn't really understand until a few weeks ago. The pair decided to continue in a comfortable silence until they came up to Harry's house. Harry left Nick and shut his front door when he watched Nick carry on walking towards his own home.

Harry locked his front door after himself and went straight upstairs to the bathroom. He chucked his phone on his bed and grabbed a towel before jumping in the shower. Once he was finished and dressed he noticed his phone had been going off for quite a while. Mostly messages from Damien but there were also some from Ben, of all people it had to be Ben didn't it. A displeased frown made it's way onto his face as he read all of the unopened message previously sent from Ben.

Apparently he had wanted to apologise and put everything behind them because he really was sorry as he had put it in so many individual messages. It was all complete bullshit, he knew that. Closing the chat with the asshole, Harry opened the messages from a certain Spring boy. It turns out Damien was restlessly bored and demanded he hurry up before the boy fell asleep out of loneliness. Harry wasn't even reading it wrong, Damien had messaged those exact words to him about 5 minutes ago.

The boy grabbed his charger and left the house making sure to lock the door behind him. Harry walked like normal, slow as he thought about everything he possibly could. I mean, how strange was it that he was sixteen and practically lived alone in a huge house. His parents were hardly ever home and when they were it was like they weren't, everything always felt the same. However the whole place seemed a little smaller than it used to, that could have been because Damien was in his life alot more than usual, not that he was complaining or anything, he just found it strange.

When Harry had left along with Nick, both Spring boys had stayed in the living room just chatting. A random film was playing in the background as they stared at eachother, but Damien made some slow movements to turn off the television. Charlie had some sense of what his brother wanted to talk about and if he were being honest with himself, he didn't think he was ready. Charlie knew Damien wouldn't push him to speaking about why he was driven away in an ambulance, but he needed to explain why it happened, he needed Damien to understand that it wasn't his fault.

Damien didn't speak for a moment, he chose to think carefully about his words, full of fear that he would upset Charlie. He didn't want to pressure the boy, but he needed to know his little brother was ok, he needed to know that Charlie knew he was there for him, especially now. Damien fiddled with his rings, completely out of sight of Charlie because of the arm on the sofa - if Charlie couldn't see how much this was already tearing him apart, then maybe he wouldn't be so choked-up himself. Damien used his right hand to twist one of his rings continuously around one of his fingers on his left hand "What...what happened?" to you, he thought. What happened to his brother, the boy who was always smiling, always laughing and always happy? Because he was hardly around now and it was breaking Damien's heart to see his brother so torn up.

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