twenty three

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Nick nelson was sitting in his living room with his mum as they both tried to decide on a film to watch.

Nick sat on the floor, silent as he went onto google and started typing into the search bar.

best lgbt movies

He scrolled through a few different links before he was pulled out of his concentration bubble by his mum.

"Mumma Mia?"

"We've seen that four times this year already."

His mum shrugged as she put the tablet down "Oh, you think of something, I'm going to dish up the pizzas." she got off the sofa and left the room as Nellie wined and followed after her.

Nick continued to scroll through his search on google looking at a few films which popped up.

Like Moonlight or PRIDE and But I'm A cheerleader...

Until his mum walked back in a sat down with the pizzas, handing one to Nick himself.

"I've got it. Pirates of the Caribbean. It's a classic, what do you think?"

Nick swallowed his breathe and turned his phone off, nodding at his mum "Yeah. That sounds good."

A little later, further into the film the pair had both finished their food and were now sitting on the sofa with Nellie.

[Orlando Bloom on Tv] "Here. Let me."

"Do you remember that summer, we had to watch this every evening?"

Nick shook his head at his mum "It wasn't every evening."

"It definitely was because I could quote it word for word by the end of it. I knew it was because you loved Kira Knightley."

"Oh, mum!"

"What? She's a very pretty girl."

"Please stop talking."

[Kira Knightley] "I don't know."

"Sorry, blacksmith's hands. I know they're rough."

"No. I mean, yes, they are, but..."

Nick concentrated on the tv as he tried to okay attention to the film.

"...don't stop."

He glanced over at his mum before finishing the movie and ending up in his bedroom. Nick had logged into his laptop and gone straight to google before typing away in the search bar.


[Vlogger] "I was about fourteen when I realized I was bisexual. I had a best friend at the time, and we were completely inseparable. And one day, we shared a kiss, and I didn't feel weird about it. I didn't feel like it was an odd thing to do, in fact It felt incredibly right. I always felt like I had these feelings for girls up to that point, but all of a sudden, I started having feelings for guys too. And that's when I realized, I'm bisexual."

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