thirty seven

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Tori, Charlie and Nick had finally gotten home. Damien was quick to make sure his action went undetected as he kissed Harry on the cheek and stood up to pull his brother into a firm hug. Nick smiled to himself as he watched Harry bite his tounge and let out a little huff. He knew.

Tori smiled sweetly as she left the four boys in the living room and dissapeared up to her bedroom. She had declined Damien's offer for her to stay with them, telling him she had stuff to do.

It didn't go unnoticed how awkward and tense it was between the four. Damien shared a knowing look with his brother and they both turned to look at Nick and Harry. Both boy's were confused as to why the brother's were giving looks.

Nick shook his head and shrugged his shoulders "Do not look at me like that, I haven't done anything." He let out a nervous chuckle and glanced at Harry who was glaring at Damien.

Charlie noticed instantly and squealed as he pinched his brother on the arm and laughed when Damien squatted the boy's hand away.

They were all comfortably sat on the rug in the living room until Damien got up and announced like the drama queen he seemed to be that he needed the toilet.

The moment the three of them heard the faint sound of the door shutting from upstairs, Charlie shared a small nod and looked at Harry.

If the boy was honest which he wasn't going to be pit loud, the whole thing made him a little uncomfortable, not before. But now that Damien had left the room, the pair had suddenly become aware that they could ask him anything.

Charlie squinted at Harry the tiniest but before relaxing "Is my brother happy?"

"Ask him yourself." Harry noticed the look on Nick's face before shaking his head "Sorry. Yes?"

"That sounds like a question."

"Because it was, why do you want to know from me?"

Charlie tilted his head "Are you not - nevermind...but between us, he likes you." Nick snickered and Harry grinned "Oh really?"

Why not play along with it.

Nick nodded as he leant back a little "Oh yeah, he's not kidding, Damien definitely likes you."

Speaking of the devil, Damien entered the room and tucked his phone in the pocket of his tracksuit pocket before taking a seat beside Harry "Damien what?" Nick shrugged his shoulders and tried his best not to laugh "Nothing. Don't worry."

"I'm not worrying...Charlie did you interrogate Harry?" The boy shook his head before Charlie could answer "Nope." Damien sid-eyed his brother but gave up none the less "Okay."

Charlie shrugged his shoulders "I'm gonna go make sure Tori is okay." Damien shook his head and steadied the boy as he tried to put pressure on his hand to stand up "She's asleep, I checked before I can back down." He thought it was a little strange that she was asleep at six o'clock considering she was usually up all night. Charlie winced a little as he rested his hands on his legs before swallowing his breathe. Nick immediately reached forward but stopped and played it off by itching his leg, he wanted so desperately to make sure he was okay but he was wary of Harry.

It was completely understandable and Harry glanced between the two boys. The minute he locked eyes with Nick and saw the nervousness hidden behind a small smile, he knew. His face fell blank before he realised that Nick was going through the same thing. The boy coughed before standing up "Nick, can I, uh, talk to you in the kitchen for a minute?" he looked down at Damien before looking at Nick.

Within a minute or two both boys were standing in the kitchen. Harry's words left his lips as a whisper "You're with him, aren't you?" Nick's eyes widened as he realised that Harry knew. Nick didn't intent for his words to aslo be so quiet "Uhm, Harry..."

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