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Charlie came back into the house after leaving a smiley Nick on the pavement. He made his way upstairs, also ignoring his mum's calls. Charlie went into Damien's room to find it empty.

He wanted to tell Damien what happened, he wanted to make sure it was okay with him. But after hearing the shower running and taking a slow walk across the landing, Charlie thought more about it.

Should he tell Damien? Yes.
Was he going to? Maybe not.
Was he ever going to tell his brother he just kissed his bestfriend? No. Definitely not.

Things were about to crash land and Charlie wasn't here for it.

Damien turned the shower off and changed into some clothes, making his way back to his room. He didn't think Charlie was going to speak to him about it. Damien convinced himself he only cared about it because it was his bestfriend and brother. He knew there was no other possible reason as to why he was mad.

The next day at school, Damien was standing near the bench with the rest of his friendgroup. He watched as Nick took a seat and Imogen approached him.

"Hey. Something's different."


"Have you changed your hair?"

Damien rolled his eyes at how oblivious Nick was being. Imogen liked him...like, really liked him and poor little Nick had no clue.

"What? No."

"You have!" Imigen reached her hands up to mess around with Nick's hair "I've known you since, like, Year 7. I can tell when something's changed. You look different."

Nick pushed her hands away and went through his hair "Well it's different now you're messing with it."

Imogen playfully pushed her hands through his hair again, trying to mess it up more "Don't worry, I'm a highly qualified hair stylist."

Nick nodded, deciding to go along with it "Qualified from where?"

"The University of Hair Stylists."

Nick sorted out his hair, his eyes widening in annoyance "Wow. Yeah, seems legit."

Imogen chuckled and started to nod her head "Oh, I've got to go. I forgot I had morning detention." she grabbed her bag and went to leave before turning around and running back to mess Nick's hair up even more. She finally left to go to Higgs just as the bell rang at the boys school.

Damien slid his phone into his blazer pocket before walking off, Nick quickly caught up to Damien and started to walk along side him.

"Woah. Damien are you ok?"


"Are you sure?"


He didn't want to talk to Nick right now, not until he told him what happened. Yes, he understood it sounded stupid and petty. But who would want someone to keep that secret from them? He just wanted someone to be honest with him for once.

Nick finally gave up asking if he was all right, he knew something was wrong with Damien. The short answers gave it away before Nick could aske him 3 times. Damien never answers with a simple 'yes' unless something is really wrong.

The pair finally made it to from and took their seats just before Charlie entered. He looked at Nick who was smiling at him "What?"


The pair smiled as they looked away from eachother before looking back at eachother and chuckling.

A few minutes later, Charlie noticed his brother was staring at him with a blank face. He reached his arm across the table to snap his finger infront of Damien's face but it didn't work.

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