thirty one

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The boy's had made it back to Harry's house without walking into anyone else they knew. They put a film on and sat on Harry's bed, they weren't cuddling but there wasn't any space between them. Damien sat with his back rested against the headboard behind him and Harry laid inbetween his legs with his back against Damien's stomach. It was how they liked to sit, unless they were straddling eachother which mainly consisted of Harry sitting in Damien's lap.

As the film carried on Damien started to gently rub his thumb across Harry's abdomen. Earlier on he had let his hand go under the boy's jumper and sit on his hip which made Harry jump a little at the cold contact.

If either of Harry's parents suddenly walked in they would have been met with a shock. They hadn't seen Damien in a long while, his dad hadn't let him leave the house very often so he couldn't go round Harry's like he used to. But Harry's parents were used to seeing the pair sitting closer than usual, his mum usually expected it.

Damien remembered the times Harry's mum would absentmindedly walk into the room, see them lying ontop of eachother and smile. It wasn't unusual for the woman to catch them so comfortable around eachother and seeing them like that always made her smile. It was Harry's father who didn't totally understand, nor like the fact they were so close. He wasn't as mad about it as Damien's father was, infact he was more dismissive. The man never gave Harry any crap about it and he never looked at the pair differently. However things had changed, that was before their jobs started to get more important than their own son, it was before his father started to loose his patience alot quicker than he ever did. It was something Harry tried to avoid by staying in his room for the odd 2 days a month his parents would be home.

Harry turned slightly and looked up at Damien who was staring into complete nothingness as he thought about it "Damien? Are you okay?" he waved a hand infront of the boy's face and frowned when Damien flinched. Harry couldn't remember the last time Damien had flinched, it hadn't been recently so why had he started again? He gently held a firm grip on Damien's hand which wasn't still resting on the bare skin of his torso "Hey?"

The Spring boy turned his head slightly so he was looking down at Harry, a ghost of a smile appeared as he nodded "I'm okay, watch the film." Harry chose not to prod, he turned back around and looked at the tv as he brought Damien's hand up to place his lips against the boy's knuckles. They were still slightly bruised and the soft contact made Damien wince, he but his tounge so Harry couldn't hear the boy sigh in pain, he didn't need Harry worrying for him.

But Harry didn't care about that in the moment, he cared about what Damien should need. He was worrying about him and it wasn't going to stop. Harry knew something was on Damien's mind he just didn't want to force the boy into talking about it, so he stayed quiet and kept his eyes on the tv.

Once the film was done, another one started. Neither of them payed attention to the film as their minds were already preoccupied with more important things. Damien was thinking about his father, he knew right now that he was going to be convincing his mum to send him to stay at his grandparents. He just didn't know if his father would be able to convince her, usually she would stick by him but he wasn't so sure now. He saw his mum's face as he argued with his dad and it broke his heart. Harry was thinking about wether he should beat the life out of Ben for just existing in the first place, he hated the way Ben had managed to make Damien feel so small withing the span of only a few weeks.

It was needles to say they both needed things to click back into place, and soon.

Damien leaned his head forward and kissed the top of Harry's head, when he pulled away the boy rested his chin exactly where he had kissed him. Harry smiled slightly at the feeling and played around with the ring on Damien's left hand. They stayed like that for a little longer until Harry turned around and wrapped his arms around Damien's torso until he had fallen asleep. The Spring boy looked down at Harry who was peacefully sleeping, he traced the features of Harry's face with his eyes. It was something Damien had found himself doing alot lately, whenever the boy was asleep or even awake, he would catch himself staring at him.

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