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Up in the room on the 5th floor, Nick and Charlie stay frozen in their seats. Their Pinkies still latching onto eachother and the air caught in their throats.

The pair nervously looked at eachother, Nick looked like he was about to cry and Charlie looked on the verge of having a heart attack.

"Would you kiss me?"

There it was. The question which scared both boys...One was terrified of rejection and the other was torn apart because of who he is. Nick had no words which would give Charlie a satisfactory answer, definitely not now anyway. So he didn't answer the question with words. Nick looked down at their hands and moved his closer to Charlie's, slowly starting to look back up.

You know that feeling you get when you're having an important moment with someone you know you'll learn to cherish and that thrilling sensation which thrives as it courses through your bloodstream.

Nicholas was experiencing that right now. He had to admit, he had some feelings towards the boy infront of him and he knew that now. But he couldn't help but have to think about his answer.

"Yeah." his words were quiet and unintentionally hesitant, but they were loud enough for Charlie to hear.

With nerves still trying to decipher the situation, Nick let his eyes travel to look at Charlie's lips.

Leaning in, slow and steady the pair locked lips in a peaceful but atmospheric kiss. Eyes closed and hearts racing as the pair hoped it was everything but a dream. They pulled away and avoided eye contact, but their hands didn't stray from the connection.


Harry stared Ben down for a moment before rushing out the kitch and after Damien. The Spring boy made his way up the huge staircase and through multiple different corridors as he tried so hard to find a quiet room.

He wanted to lock himself away, not permanently of course but most definitely for ever.

Why was he like this?

Damien asked himself that everyday...everytime he looked in the mirror or someone posted a picture with him.

No matter how insecure someone truly is, they always find a way to put up a front and hide it. It doesn't matter if they use a mask to do so, or if they choose to hide behind hate. No one has the full amount of confidence and no one ever will.

Damien shook his head and messed around with his knuckles as he practically marched through the empty hallways, choosing to ignore Harry's calls.

"Spring! Don't ignore me!"

He did infact ignore Harry.

Damien didn't want to do this part of the fight right now, he didn't want to cause even more of a drift between the friends group.

He needed to talk to Tori, and he needed to do it now but he wouldn't leave this party without Charlie. Even if it means he has to hide himself away until Charlie wants to leave, he'd do it.

"Damien...Look I want to talk. I want to help you!"

The boy continued to ignore Harry and open the first door he could find to his right, quickly entering and slamming the door shut behind him.

Harry soon entered the room, closing the door behind him and deciding to give Damien some form of space. He stood against the door with his arms loosely crossed over his chest, closely watching Damien who stood their with his back facing him.

"Harry, go back to the friendgroup please."

Please? Harry hadn't heard the shift in Damien's tone until he said Please...Damien doesn't say that word, especially not to him. What was going on?

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