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Shutting the front door behind him and stalking towards the kitchen he heard his dad letting out a frustrating growl "It is ridiculous Jane. This thing that's wrong with him shouldn't be happening!"

Oh. It was that kind of argument his father had finally snapped and found the words he wanted to say about Damien's sexualitly.

Damien sighed as he locked eyes with his mother who looked both frustrated and concerned at the same time. She was always excepting when it came to his sexuality and the differences he upheld, so he hated seeing her caught up in the middle of the argument between himself and Julio.

His father had finally caught sight of him standing in the doorway "And where were you this morning? You were supposed to be here when we got back from your grandparents. Who, by the way, were very upset you didn't come with us."

Damien had already had enough of the conversation which was definitely going to escalate. He knew Charlie and Tori, possibly Nick too were all going to be standing at the top of the stairs listening in.

The lack of answers from his son made Julio growl at the boy "Well? Got anything to say?"

The boy stared at his father blankly before nodding "Yes. Don't shout at mum because of me, if you have anything to shout about then shout at me. Not her." he wasn't going to let his mum get the backlash cause his dad's a prick "And you didn't tell me I had to be home when you got here this morning. Also, I didn't come with you because your parents are just like you and I didn't want to go in the first place. I tell you this every time you go."

Julio glared at his son as he leaned over the kitchen counter, a sour look on his face "Don't you speak to me like that. When we go to visit them, I expect you to come with us. They're your grandparents after all!"

"This isn't about that though is it? You're pissed at me because I like guys but then when your other son, Charlie likes them too you think about throwing a party for him. So what is it? Do you not like the fact that I like guys or the fact I hate your parents?"

"Damien, honey-"

Julio held his hand up, stopping his wife from saying anything to Damien "No, I've got it. Both of those facts are disgusting. You can't be allowed to like boys because you are a boy. This has nothing to do with your grandparents so stop insinuating the idea that is does." at the end of his small and patronising argument he slammed his hands back down on the kitchen worktop "And do you know what? I don't want you anywhere near that Harry boy again!"

Before Damien could even say anything back, Charlie beat him to it "You can't do that! If he likes the boy then he likes him you can't help that!"

Damien could tell Julio was getting angry so he stepped infront of his brother and only just notice Tori was now standing beside their mother.

Nick had decided to stay upstairs in Charlie's room and out of it. It was a family matter and the boy respected it.

"That is my final word! You will stop talking to him and ignore him at school when you go back. Go against my word and you're grounded!"

"Fine. Whatever!" Damien pulled Charlie from the room knowing if he didn't that Charlie would get himself into trouble. Tori followed after them, making sure to glare at their dad before they ended upstairs in Charlie's room.

Nick stopped chewing his bottom lip and fidgeting with his knuckles "You okay? I sorta heard it all..."

"I'm fine."

Charlie shook his head as he took a seat on his bed beside his boyfriend "Why would you give into that? Stop seeing Harry? Really?"

Damiem gave a smug, half smile as he clicked his knuckles "I'm not going to listen to him, what's he going to do? Send me away, or even worse ground me? Come on..."

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