twenty four

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The following morning, at school everyone was gathered in the gym hall, boys and the girls from Higgs. It was Thursday and it was time for the last few practices before Friday night.

Nick and Charlie walked into the gym, smiles wide and glistening eyes. The older boy grinned "I can't believe you get the whole day off to rehearse for this."

"Sometimes playing a musical instrument has it's benefits."

"When is the concert?"

"Friday night."

Nick nodded to himself as he looked around "Can I come?"

"What? why?"

Charlie was surprised by Nick's question, since when did the boy want to watch him play the drums for about and hour. Despite the questions, Charlie was happy about it.

"Because you're performing."

"You don't have to come. You've probably got more interesting things to do."

Before Nick could respond to the boy, the teacher turned around and started shouting from the other side of the gym: "Charlie! Come on, your drum kit still isn't set up." so, doing what was asked of him, Charlie smiled at Nick before walking over to his teacher and setting up his drum kit.

Within a few moments Tara and Nick stood infront of eachother as they spoke, catching up seeing as they hadn't since Harry's party.

"Hi, Nick."

"Tara. You're in the orchestra too"


Nick laughed at himself, shaking his head "I have literally no musical ability. Charlie tried to teach me the drums once and I am absolutely crap." Tara nodded along and laughed once Nick stopped speaking, she was starting to enjoy his regular company "You and Charlie getting along well then?"

"Uh...Yeah. Actually, well...we're sort of going out."

"Are you?"

"I mean, we haven't made it official or anything, but...yeah. Please don't tell anyone though."

"No, of course. It's funny how things turned out between us."

"What do you mean."

Tara laughed slightly "I mean, when we were thirteen, I thought we'd be boyfriend and girlfriend forever." both of them laughed even more at Tara's reminiscing.

"Yep. So did I. Are you and Darcy out to your friends then?"

"Since I, uh, posted on Insta, everyone kind of knows now. Um, some people were surprised, a couple of people already knew..." but Tara jumped out of freight when she heard a trumpet sound from behind her "Darcy!"

The blond smiled in victory and sent a kind smile towards Nick "Triumph at last."

The teacher who called Charlie over earlier turned back around to continue shouting: "Come on, girls. We're running through it again in a minute."

Tara nodded at the older woman before turning back to Nick "We're here all day if you want to meet us for lunch."

"Yeah, that'd be nice." the girls smiled at him before running off and quickly sitting down.

Miss Hyder nodded, finally happy with how everyone was in their places "Okay, everyone. From the top!"

Nick waved back at Charlie who waved at him with a grin before he started playing.

Later on at Lunch, Damien sat on the bench with his group of friends, they all decided they were going to tease him about everything. Damien shoved one of the boys known as Tom of the bench in aggravation, Tom just didn't know when to shut up.

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