thirty six

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After the events between the two boys earlier in the day had taken place, Damien had turned his phone fully off out of pure frustration and handed the device to Harry who was confused but complied none the less.

It turns out Ben was even more obsessed than anyone should be in the first place. The only message Damien had sent back in reply read:You're quite determined aren't you, Ben? But my past won't catch up to me, I won't let it.

It seemed a little harsh but Damien ignored that side of interpretation considering the boy had pissed him off more than enough times. And if Ben wasn't careful he'd come to regret it. Wether it was because he actually like him or because he was bored, he had crossed a line and Damien had already had enough.

So, Harry had put Damien's phone in the cabinet under the tv in the living room and joined the boy back on the sofa. The Spring boy was holding a very strong staring contest with the wall, his emotions making everything worse. Harry had quickly messaged Tori, it wasn't needed but he didn't know what stage came next. Damien on the other hand had already decided to ignore his weird conflictions with relationships and just let whatever happens happen.

However, a small part of him was trying to convince him to leave Harry alone and stop whatever was going on before he hurt the boy. This small part of him was bigger than he thought. Yes, Damien really did like Harry but with everything going on with Charlie, his father and Ben he thought the best option was to just leave it alone and come back to it when the time was right.

He hated how he sounded like a lovesick fool because that was not him, he just didn't want Harry to get hurt by any impulsive decisions he was most likely to make within the next few weeks.

Damien was pulled put of his own mind when he felt Harry gently intertwine their hands. He looked down at their joined hands with a ghost of a smile lingering before looking up and locking eyes with Harry. As he took the boy in his mind flashed to Ben's previously sent messages and he knew exactly what needed to happen. Damien sighed and pulled his hand away from Harry's before shaking his head "I can't. I'm sorry, I just...I can't." He raised from his seat and ignored the way Harry's eyes dropped to look at his emtpy hands in his lap. Damien didn't say a word as he grabbed his phone from the television stand and left the house.

He wiped the tears which had managed to start falling as he tried to keep his breathing calm and steady.

Harry on the other hand let out a growl of frustration and stood up from his seat and went upstairs. He slammed his bedroom door shut and grabbed the nearest thing, launching it at the wall before sitting down with his back against the door.

What the fuck just happened.

So many questions flew through his head but no answers surfaced. Why had Damien just left? Because if the words the boy had said before leaving meant what Harry thought they meant then it was over. But what was it? Harry didn't know and that made it even worse because it also meant it was over before it even had enough time to start.

Damien carried on walking, he was making his way across a feild towards what seemed to be a small forest. The moment he was far enough in and hidden well enough by the trees he had to stop himself from screaming as he punched the trunk of a huge oak tree. Cries slipped from his mouth as he stopped and took a seat, his knuckles bloody and swollen but his mind wasn't concentrating on the emmense pain he was feeling, but the fact he had just given Ben of all people what he wanted.

He had to convince himself that it wasn't for Ben, it was for Harry. Yeah. But none of it mattered now, it was over and done with.

Damien pulled his phone out and sent his location to his twin. His movements stopped as he felt something strange, it felt like someone was stroking his hair. What the hell was going on?

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