thirty four

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Harry had fallen asleep, unknown to the fact that Damien pretended to be so himself. The Spring boy wanted Harry to get some sleep instead of staying up and worrying.

Damien's mind wandered back to the dream he had a few times before, he had no idea what it really meant and he prayed it was not one of the ones which happened. He didn't want to loose his baby brother and the fact he wasn't at the hospital with him now said it all. What kind of brother was he if he was not there when Charlie needed him. Damien instantly blamed himself and would continue to do so even when Charlie is home, safe and sound.

It was the way of life as he heard his father mutter before he drove away again. He had disappointed Damien because what kind of father leaves when his son is taken away for a life or death flip of the coin. The boy hated his father even more than before and if it was any important constellation he does not forgive the man.

Damien tilted his head and looked down at Harry who was sound asleep beside him. He was truly thankful for the boy and knew now was not the time to push him away, when was? There was no way Damien could let himself push Harry away, he wasn't going to ruin what could happen because of his own guilt over something which was out of his control. Hearing himself say that in his head snapped something within him because yes, his brother was now in hospital but trying not to seem insensitive, there was nothing he could have done and there is nothing he can do but be there for him when he wakes up. So, moving slightly to lie down he moved his hand to gently hold Harry's which was resting on the pillow beside his head. However, he almost had a full on heart attack when he felt Harry intertwine his fingers with Damien's, it scared the living daylights out of him. Harry moved to kiss the back of Damien's hand as he kept a strong grip on it "How're you doing?"

The Spring boy bit his tounge before nodding a little "I'm okay now that I've realised I can't change what happened, I'm going to visit him tomorrow and I want you to be there." he watched Harry's face twitch until a small smile appeared "What?"

"Of course I'll come with you, it might make him smile if he can relentlessly bully you without getting shots fired back for once, how does that sound?" he laughed to himself before playfully scowling when Damien turned his head away to face the wall "Oi, What're you doing?"

Damien huffed and shook his head, Harry knew what he was doing. But now, at 4 o'clock in the morning was not a good time to play games. However he did gently reach over and turn Damien's face until he was facing him again "I don't think so...hey, can I ask you a question?" all signs of joking around left Damien's face as a more serious structure took over "Fire away."

Harry's demeanour changed completely and he fell silent before shaking his head "Don't worry, I don't know what I was going to ask." He knew exactly what he was going to ask. The boy just didn't want to push Damien into labelling what they had when he didn't even know himself.

Damien sat up and moved to sit cross-legged, Harry followed suit and knew Damien was about to cause a serious facade to cover the pair completely. The Spring boy thought about something for a moment before accidentally locking eyes with Harry, who by the way sat there much quieter than normal. The boy's stared at eachother before adverting their eyes to any other point in the room. Harry took a deep breathe before swallowing the air, his nerves calmed as he looked back at Damien "This is serious, but I don't know how to ask you without sounding like a complete asshole." it was true he really did not want to make Damien feel forced into calling what they have something. He just felt like it needed to be cleared up and maybe now was not the time, but it was worth asking "What...what are we?"

Damien's eyes snapped over to meet Harry's as his mouth curled into a smile, he hadn't really thought about it recently anyways but he knew what he wanted, he just didn't know if Harry wanted the same. The boy nodded a little before tilting his head slightly "What do you think we are?" when Harry took a moment to answer, Damien smiled a little more "Okay...what do you want us to be?"

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