forty three

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The next day at school was something Charlie was dreading, he really did not want to be around anyone at the moment. Hiding the way he was having trouble keeping down a decent amount of food was hard when your brother was making it his life's mission to make sure he was eating, it made it a lot harder. Damien had been told by Tori the previous night when he got back with Harry from grabbing the boy's stuff for school, that she found Charlie being sick in the bathroom not long before the pair actually returned.

To say Damien was confused was far away from the truth, he knew Charlie had problems with eating in the past, but he honestly thought that was behind them. Knowing that his brother was going back down that lonely road again was heartbreaking, after everything that had happened.

Walking through the hallways of Truham was something Charlie wished he didn't have to do anymore, but the underlying fact that he had another year left after this one was pissing him off. Mainly because the school felt like a prison to him, or better yet, his own personal hell. Sure, he did have everyone he cared about there, but there were times when not so nice people would sill make it their mission to put him down and that was a pain he wished didn't belong to him.

Damien on the other hand was stood with his friend group outside the building at their bench - yes, their group had claimed a bench, and it had been theirs since he first week of year nine. It turns out most of the boy's had come back even more of an asshole than they had been before the few weeks off, and to say Damien wanted to punch a few of them was true. He had never thought they could have started to act more homophobic than they used too. Apparently, their excuse was that they found it weird that Harry hadn't said anything to Charlie and Tao as they walke past them - that made Damien laugh, because what kind of an excuse was that?

Oh, sorry mate, we forgot he was your brother for a sec...anyways...

Damien zoned out of the conversation after that, choosing to ignore the plans they were making for all of them to spend a day at the arcade later that week, one day after school. Truth be told, he did not want to spend an evening with them, a group of people he couldn't be asked to deal with anymore. He also didn't blame Harry for the way he hot glares at them as they continued chatting shit about being gay or bisexual, or anything that wasn't straight for that matter.

Form was an interesting experience, apparently sports day was around the corner, and by that, their teacher meant that sports day was Friday. All day. Boy was Damien really fed up of shit being thrown at him out of nowhere.

From the other side of the table, Nick watched the way Damien kept his eyes on his fingers which drummed against the edge of the table. Nick knew something was up with both brothers, the fleeting glances and the concern written across Damien's features explained it. This threw Nick off, if Damien was worried, then what was he worried about? Was it to do with Charlie or were they both just as worried about something? What the hell was going on?

Charlie sat beside his boyfriend, his nerves were through the roof and boy was he scared. The Spring boy had no idea what he would say if the truth came out. All it took was for Damien to tell their mother or Nick and it would all go to utter shit. But Charlie knew his brother wouldn't do that to him, because last time, Damien told their mum after three weeks when he couldn't help Charlie himself and Damien knew it could end badly. The only difference is, this time, Charlie didn't know if Damien knew, he only knew that Tori knew. It was only a matter of time until Damien did know if he didn't already, Tori tells Damien everything.

The morning flew by fast for the brothers, and then it was lunch. The time of the day Damien was dreading, the most rational thing he could think of was spending his hour in the music room with the keyboard. About ten minutes into him playing back to black on the keyboard - because it was one of the only songs he could remember - Harry walked into the room and closed the door behind him, putting his bag down and taking a seat on the empty half of the stool beside Damien.

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